Hogwarts Houses and The Good Place

Aug 05, 2018 20:40

 I remembered that for a while, I was sorting characters into Hogwarts Houses. I didn't really get very far, so I'll start over with that, and do it one show at a time. Today's Sorting is The Good Place! Serious spoilers for both seasons.

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fandom, nerdy = the new awesome, television, harry potter

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Comments 3

hamsterwoman August 6 2018, 05:05:11 UTC
Wholeheartedly agreed on Eleanor being a Slytherin. (As is Michael, but, well, he's a demon, so what else can one expect.)

Ravenclaw makes more sense for Chidi for me than Gryffindor -- I think whatever else, all the Gryffindors we've seen are fairly decisive, while Chidi always tries to intellectualize his way to the right answer. I'm not sure if you're familiar with the Sorting Hat Chats, but if you are, I feel like Chidi is an excellent example of a Ravenclaw primary who's decided to adopt a Gryffindor sort of morality.

Similarly, I feel like Tahani is at core a Slytherin, which is why she's in the Bad Place despite all her ostensibly good deeds. But (using the Sorting Hat Chats terminology again) she's a Slytherin with a Gryffindor model.

And agreed that Jason is tough! I would probably sort him in Gryffindor almost by default -- his belief that all things can be solved with a Molotov cocktail seem very Gryffindor to me XP But he could also be a Slytherin with very simple ambitions...


little_huntress August 6 2018, 06:29:17 UTC
I completely agree with Eleanor, she is a true Slytherin xD I've also had the same dilemma with Chidi, but Ravenclaw just makes more sense to me. I also think Tahani is a Slytherin and I'd put Jason in Gryffindor.


carnifinda August 6 2018, 13:42:12 UTC
What a great idea! In my opinion, Chidi is more Ravenclaw than Gryffindor. And I wouldn't know where to put Jason; I agree that he doesn't really seem to have defining characteristics apart from his dumbness.


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