Hogwarts Houses and The Good Place

Aug 05, 2018 20:40

 I remembered that for a while, I was sorting characters into Hogwarts Houses. I didn't really get very far, so I'll start over with that, and do it one show at a time. Today's Sorting is The Good Place! Serious spoilers for both seasons.

Eleanor: Slytherin, hands down. Now, she seems to lack ambition, but Eleanor can actually be ambitious where it counts. She does file for emancipation from her parents all by herself, and although it's not easy, when she realizes she has to learn to be good to survive The "Good" Place, she does. Even Eleanor's seemingly apathetic behavior is a survival method more than anything else, and when she has a change of heart, she goes the opposite direction.

Chidi: I struggled with this one a bit, but I think I'd have to put him in Gryffindor. Typical of Gryffindors, he's obsessed with what the "right" thing is - to an actual fault. There's even a point at which he considers being honest to the demons of the Bad Place because "lying is always wrong". He's a flawed kind of Gryffindor who sometimes follows a particular philosophy even if he has doubts.

However, Chidi could also fare well in Ravenclaw. Despite his indecisiveness, he's clearly a very smart person, and it's possible that his moral back-and-forth is less a matter of "good" (even if he assumes that it is) and more a matter of personal philosophy. After all, he is a moral philosophy professor, so it's fitting. Maybe his Luna Lovegoodian tendencies took a dark turn, leading him not to simply suppose that Crumple-Horned Snorkacks might exist, but that reason as we presume it to be might not exist, and I have a stomach ache. :P

Tahani: Tahani could be Gryffindor or Slytherin, depending on how you look at it. On one hand, her good deeds are for the approval of her parents (and then I suppose her fans), and I don't think she's entirely aware that he motives are selfish. That is arguably quite Gryffindor. But she flaunts her good deeds, she name drops celebrities, and you could see it all being quite self-serving. That's Slytherin.

Jason: Jason's a hard one because in all complete honesty, I think he's too clueless to be in The Good Bad Place. He legitimately seems slow at times, which is the one thing about the show that makes me cringe, the fact that Jason's placement seems almost like placing a kid in the Good Bad Place  On the other hand, it's more likely that some of it's an act on his part, and some of it's just comedic exaggeration on the show's part. In which case... I think Jason's a Slytherin, as he is very self-serving. (Which could be another reason he seems so OTT dumb. He just doesn't care all that much.)

I think that's it for today! If you've seen The Good Place, how would you Sort  the characters?

fandom, nerdy = the new awesome, television, harry potter

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