Picking up after Ron's.
1. Hermione's main mission in working for the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures is fighting for House Elf rights. She doesn't call it SPEW - SPEW embarrasses her now; she cringes when she remembers hiding clothes for House Elves to accidentally find. It seems rather horrible to her now. Hermione instead focuses on understanding House Elves, not being their human champion.
2. Luna works with Hermione, but they do not get along at work. Hermione finds Luna's humming distracting, and her antics mildly embarrassing.
"Stop talking about Crumple-Horned Snorkacks," Hermione hisses one day
"Stop treating me like I'm your House Elf!" Luna shouts.
It's the only time Luna has ever yelled at anyone. Hermione and Luna go a few weeks without speaking; they make up when Luna offers to help Hermione with House Elf rights.
3. Rita Skeeter does a profile on Hermione, and asks what it feels like being the mother of an infant and holding a job. Hermione asks Rita what it feels like being so incompetent, she needs to write sensationalist owl dung.
4. Hermione wishes her parents liked Australia less. They know who they are, but they still live there, having decided their made-up life was far more exciting. Even worse, the rest of their family doesn't really understand why, and they often ask Hermione about it privately when the family gets together. Finally one of her cousins - perhaps fittingly, a vicar in Oxfordshire - convinces them to relent.
5. Luna and Hermione manage to create a law that gives House Elves freedom. As a compromise, they would be allowed to work for free as they wish, and multiple volunteer opportunities are opened for them. This compromise is reached with House Elf advisers.
It doesn't pass, to Hermione's disappointment; but Ron points out it's a start.
"You've got people thinking," he tells her. "People like me. Keep fighting. You'll get them there."
6. A week later, Luna and Hermione have another argument in the break room. This time over Blubbering Humdingers. That's when Luna tells Hermione she's quitting to join a team of magical naturalists.
For another week, Hermione is devastated. She wonders why she couldn't keep her mouth shut for her friend, and finally confides into Ginny.
"It's not you," Ginny says. "Luna loves you, we all do. But she was never meant to work at the Ministry."
"She told you that?"
"No, I'm a Seer. Yes. She told me. But Luna, well... I reckon she's meant to wander a forest, studying magical creatures, humming for them to approach her. She's not meant to work in an office with people. Especially people who..." Ginny stopped.
"I know how I am," Hermione said. "I'm... not so easy to work with. I almost lost Ron and Harry as friends at Hogwarts. You too, my sixth year. And now I've lost Luna."
Ginny squeezes Hermione's shoulder. "No, you haven't."
Sure enough, Luna hugs Hermione tightly at her goodbye party. Hermione smiles as she hugs her back.
7. Ron and Harry don't know this, but Hermione was reading a Muggle book during the war. - Les Miserables. Hermione finds comfort in all of the people and themes she recognizes from her own life. A convict forever condemned, forced to hide in various ways. A child whose care was entrusted to the worst possible people. Young revolutionaries. When Hermione sees the musical version with her parents, she gets chills. And many times during the war, when things are at their worst, Hermione hums "Do You Hear the People Sing?" under her breath.
This is why she names her newborn son "Hugo." After the Muggle author who gave her resonance, strength and hope.