Jul 31, 2016 10:28
- Going to get The Cursed Child at some point. I'm more curious than excited; it's like I'm going to see a friend I haven't seen in a long time, but while part of me is excited, I've been following her on social media and some things I've seen make me a little wary. But I don't want to be, because my friend and I went through so much together.
Also, let's face it, part of me would've preferred The Scottish Book. (For those of you who don't remember or weren't in fandom at the time, "The Scottish Book" - not its actual title - was bascally going to be an encyclopedia of Harry Potter info. Kind of like The Simillarion. I think. I have a depressiing pet theory that the Lexicon lawsuit in 2009 killed those plans, and Pottermore is pretty much what TSB was going to be.)
The good news is, unless she kills off one of the trio (which I can't imagne), I don't have anyone I'm attached to this time around. So my heart shouldn't be too broken. Unless I get attached to one of the Next Gen, and they're killed off? (NONE of this is spoilery, btw. Just pure speculation on my part.)
- Someone on an anon comm I follow asked what happened to filking. I have no idea, but I miss them. I also miss fanvids. I honestly think those were killed largely by YouTube taking them off, and similar sites following suit. Which I don't get, because I actually found some of my favorite songs through fanvids. So if anything, I always saw it as cheap advertising, not a copyright infringement. Oh well. In any case, I miss them, and I don't get soundtracks. (They're called something else. Fanlists? Something like that. I mean no offense if you love them, I'm just very old school.)
Filking... honestly, probably just one of those things that changed with a new generation of fandom. I sometimes think we expect the internet to be permanent when really, it's no more permanent than RL. We used to have a roller rink in town, but c. 2000, it wasn't all that useful anymore. Trends come and go.
(I still filk, although I went years without filking. I seem to have gone retro in that respect.)
the seven year summer,
harry potter