So. When I go online, Yahoo is the place to go first. You know, e-mail, finding out which other sites I should visit first.
They also have news. And OMG. I am without words. Tears made way to my eyes (but did not fall - it's not THAT huge) - and I am so completely dumbfounded.
Linking. That's what I should do. First article:
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I think most teen/high school movies really are just... lame. The actors and the way they play their beautiful characters REALLY make HSM (1 and 2). It jsut makes me sad and very worried it will all be ruined. Though I'm totally prepared to ignore sequels. Haha! ;)
Oh, bb. *HUGGGGGGG* I was devastated and I'm still kinda angry about it. And I really, really worry that the same thing will happen to Ryan and Chad/Ryan. Because they are my second favorite pair and could easily be my first. :(
I would TOTALLY write you some Troypay. I love ya, bb :) I don't get to leave all the comments I want either, but I really appreciate the ones you have left me. And all the love you give me! *SQUISH* Anyway... I don't think I could write any HSM without at least a little Chyan ;) And I figure if I'm pairing Troy with someone else, I should do some Gabsi love (cause I think they're adorable). So... do you have any requests? Something you'd like to see? I don't have any specific ideas at the moment... so if there's anything you'd like, please tell me! :)
Awww *blush* I'm really glad you like Boy Disease, bb, cause I know when fics upset my OTP (even as side character/pairings) I'm likely not to read them. You're wonderful. *muah!*
Yes, the character development was made of love. And Lucas. And Sharpay(Ashley). Seriously - it made the movie when she was crying and Troy went to talk to her. (Which, FYI - is basically the reason I am a Troypay shipper.) But I am very prepared to ignore sequels. I will do anything to keep my Troypay intact.
Yep, I was similarly mad (but not nearly as heartbroken) when Rory actually declined Logan's marriage proposal in Gilmore Girls. And it might have been the same if Luke and Lorelai didn't reconcile in the end. I still get mad talking about L/R, to tell the truth. But they were canon when I loved them, so it's easier to not be heartbroken.
Yay. I'm so glad you would! Because really, I feel like the only good Troypay that exists is my own, and that doesn't usually go over very well when looking for fluff or angst, or something new. I always feel so bad though - because I have time to read the chapter - I just don't have the time/enegy to give you the comment you deserve and then I just don't. :( But I try to give you as much love as possible. You totally deserve it. (Speaking of comments/love, is it weird that I don't actually like comments excessively when they quote your story back to you? Because I notice a lot of people do that for you - and I think that would get annoying.)
I love Chyan - it's okay if they must be synonymous with a HSM fic. I see very litle logic in Ryan with anyone else or Chad/Sharpay or Chad/Taylor. Gabsi love is okay too - because truthfully - I have a hard time seeing Gabby NOT being with anyone. (And if it must be someone - Kelsi is the best fit.)
Me have Troypay ideas/requests? Do I breathe? =D (Yes, I do breathe.) I'm not going to push in any one too specific direction (because I actually first thought you might do something where since Gabby was with Kelsi that Troy would kind of 'move on' to Sharpay... but I don't really like that) because I want it to be YOU. BUT - if I get to request a Troypay (I will =D )...
I want Troy to be kind of groveling. I want him to want to be with Sharpay (whether Shar is currently taken or not is up to you) and Sharpay - however this happens - won't readily accept this. She needs him to prove that he's not lying, not using her - that he really does want to be with her as much as he says. And friend involvement... it's necessary (on a certain level, but maybe not at all) - but they shouldn't be puppets to their friends' suggestions. (As I have seen in fics - including yours (even if canonically accurate)) I mean, Troy really can't function properly without Chad, I think.
Is that a direction? Er, idea? Um, anything helpful at all?
Yes, I'm glad too. I'm actually surprised how much I can still read it because I HATE Gabby AND Troyella passionately - and your Troyella relationship is sickenly sweet and cutesy and everything canon I hate... but I still do. It must be the Ryan/Gabs friendship. And your Chyan angst/fluff/feeling in general completely owns and rocks my world and puts my emotions on overload. Man - I'm still touched just thinking about that sweater crying scene with Chad (and when Ryan gave it up) :'( . Yeah, THAT's why I put up with the ugly canon pairing, come to think of it. :*
Aww. I'm wonderful. No - YOU'RE wonderful! *wants to go read scene again* *muah!*
Much love back! xoxo
I loved the scene where she's crying and he talks to her. (I think I could definitely work that into a fic. I'll play with it ;) )
I know what you mean. When you get a fandom or a pairing that isn't very big, it's hard to find good stuff :( I'd LOVE to write you Troypay :-)
I always feel so bad though - because I have time to read the chapter - I just don't have the time/enegy to give you the comment you deserve and then I just don't.
Don't worry about it, bb. That happens to me, too. A lot of times, I feel like I'm expected to comment and I like to leave long, good comments but I just don't have energy.
Do you breathe. HEEE! ♥ And no, I wouldn't want to do something like that. I'll think about it and see what I come up with. I like Troy groveling and trying to prove his love. Because I think he'd need to. I don't think I'll include a lot of their friends... but I dunno what will happen. LOL. (Oh, and in my fic, I don't think they were puppets to their friends suggestions as much as they were to their non-friends ;) But anyway. I've told - or am telling - that very high schoolish story. I don't want to do it again.) ANYWAY. I can come up with something. I just wanted to make sure it'd be something you'd like. Any other little things you'd like to see?
Awwww *hug* I like Gabs, but I'm indifferent about Troyella. Though they can be really overdone. O_o But I included them in Boy Disease because I wanted and deliberately chose to work off canon. And their cutesyness fuctions as something to drive.Chad.CRAZY. ;) So, really I'm making fun of them.
*blushes* Thanks, bb. Have fun!
Yes, a crying Sharpay confronted(possibly comforted) by Troy is always a win situation. Well, with writers who have brains, anyway.
Actually - the groveling from Troy is pretty much it. Groveling (well, not literally - but same/dif), going crazy trying to prove his truthfulness... that's all I want. I was just bursting with ideas and I didn't really know what exactly was needed, so I overcompensated.
Non-friends. Ah. I understand. And I'm very glad the very 'high school' story has been told. I don't find Troypay excessively high school unless they are freshman and have not morphed into their current personalities yet. (As with my prequel I'm 'working' on.) So that's good.
True, there is no denying the canon. :( But the Chad-crazy factor I had overlooked when thinking on it. Excellent point. So really - there are a multitude of reasons I put up with it. Good to know. (also good to know about comments... I'm not sure why I care.)
Seriously though - if you're writing it - and it's TROYPAY, there is no chance I wouldn't like it. I will. No matter what. I mean, even if they both died from a shooting or something, I would still like it. Well, unless you were being cruel about it... but you know what I mean (please don't kill them). Troy groveling/proving himself. The best fic idea I've had in a while. =D
Hehehe. Kay. I like knowing what you like so hopefully I can include it.
That's cool. I like causing Troy pain ;)
Well, it was more I wanted show the damage that could happen from the boys not telling the truth or denying feelings and it's the boys and who they are closest to (Shar and Troy) who would make those things problems. And oy. They're high schoolers. They are more mature than most I've met, but that drama still happens. But once I start a new story, I want it to be totally different. But enough about meeeee. Hehe.
Oh, there is plenty denying canon ;) And yeah... the best way to annoy Chad - has to be the Troyella. Heee! So, ya know.
Awwww, bb. Thank you! I'm glad you have such faith in me. And I wouldn't kill them off! I'd cry if that happened! I'll write you a good story. I hope, at least. ;)
True - I enjoy denying canon. I'm pretty sure I have in several fandoms. But really, I would rather canon back me up than to have to hide from the truth of canon. Um, if that makes sense. :D
I would rather canon back me up as well. In fact, all of my favorite pairings are heavily rooted in canon and I like not straying too far. But sometimes... you just have to, ya kno? ;)
Oh yeah- ALL of my pairing are rooted in canon (deeply) in some way shape or form. But yeah - when canon (or canon execs and the like) are being stupid... you have to stray and ignore them. :* Especially if they won't grow a pair and own up to what they have created. *ahem* Right.
<3 (Or a tiny heart icon... I dunno how to do that.)
The best ones (to me) are the ones that kinda of rephrase and report the main points in the chapter because then I know that they got what I was trying to accomplish and I get to see how they saw and interpreted it.
Excessive quoting does get boring, but I like knowing which lines people liked. And I know some of my writer friends like the quotes, so I've gotten used to commenting like that. *shrug*
The ones that annoy me are the ones that say "UPDATE" or "FIX IT NOW" because obviously I will and I'm trying to, I just need time especially if I'm going to do it well.
But really, anyone who comments is taking time to tell me they liked it, so even if it is a relatively boring comment, it's nice that they told me.
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