I completely just died inside - and not in the good way

Apr 09, 2008 18:45

So. When I go online, Yahoo is the place to go first. You know, e-mail, finding out which other sites I should visit first.

They also have news. And OMG. I am without words. Tears made way to my eyes (but did not fall - it's not THAT huge) - and I am so completely dumbfounded.

Linking. That's what I should do. First article: http://www.tv.yahoo.com/high-school-musical-2/show/40085/news/urn:newsml:tv.reuters.com:20080409:highschool_dc

Apparently,  there ARE three new characters, who are sophmores. AND they are already WRITING, and are going to start SHOOTING in two weeks - a FOURTH HSM. It makes me die just a little bit on the inside.

Especially considering this article: http://omg.yahoo.com/three-rising-stars-land-coveted-high-school-musical-3-roles/news/7670?nc

Troy and Gabriella (along with EVERYONE ELSE - I'm glad they noticed) are worried about going off to college and seperating. (Well boo-freaking- hoo) But... it makes me sad on the inside anyway. Because apparently that's all we care about.

But what makes me saddest, and kind of agree the most with - would be what this article writes: http://omg.yahoo.com/roll-call-tisdale-not-committed-to-fourth-hsm-animated-miley/news/8076?nc

Don't expect Ashley Tisdale to be in the fourth movie. (Although I would love to see her in a romantic comedy, which is what she hints at.) Which makes me sad, because that pretty much means they are going to wean out all of the actual original characters and let the people who are new for 3 star in 4, and so-on and so forth. Which will make it suck, become a series (well, moreso) and just become utter crap that only teeny-boppers and small children enjoy. Like the majority of Disney Channel Movies. BUT I have to say I'm happy that Ashley, unlike Disney - will not be holding on, and is not afraid to go out and do something that is not necessarily going to be uber successful. I respect her for that. Just like I respected her for being open about her nose-job and not hiding it, or even doing it for vanity.

A downside of this though... is that Troypay canon looks like a very far off dream. Only true in fandom. No matter how much based in fact it is. Which is okay though... because after seeing the rehearsal for the Reprise of You Are The Music In Me, I've kind of accepted they mean to make Sharpay kind of 'evil' and scary to Troy. Which is kind of a good thing too... ish. If you know my Troypay mind and the way it operates.

Negatively this article though has told me that Miley Cyrus is going to do/has done some voice acting. Opposite John Travolta. And it's a Disney movie. Which is bad in one of two ways. 1) Miley Cyrus is becoming more highly overrated than I thought if they're putting her opposite John Travolta and actually into something serious OR 2) John Travolta's career is really going down the tubes. First he plays a woman (which wasn't actually THAT bad) and now he's voice acting opposite Miley Cyrus. Now if it was just the former, I could live with that. But - ergh. For as much as I love HM I really hate Miley Cyrus.

The plus side of today is that I now have a bra to go with my prom dress, a hair appointment (same time as Nikki! Yay!), and I found shoes I liked. Except they were a size too big and I now have to order them, and this morning I kind of accidentally made myself a runny egg in my sandwich. I didn't particularly enjoy that part.

Fun time shopping though. :D Nikki should now have a prom dress! Yay! (and we didn't go to class. =D Always fun.)

Edit: The John Travolta and Miley Cyrus project is not as bad as it first sounded. It is a movie, and Travolta is the voice of a dog who thinks he's a superhero, and Miley is the voice of his owner. Yeah... I just read an article about upcoming Disney movies. Apparently there is going to be a Toy Story 3 (I'm actually kind of excited!) and a Cars 2. Also, Rapunsel, like two other hand-drawn, more typical Disney movies... and the rest will be digital. So ... yeah. I care about Disney. Maybe a little too much. It was also a Yahoo! story. :*

hsm, disney - my happy place, troypay - my weirdest otp, ranting is a good release

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