it's not like i have anything better to do

May 14, 2007 16:53

I had my 2nd interview at the Outback today, and now they're making me come in for a 3rd!! Geez Louise!! When am I gonna start making money! My goal is to make $2,500 by the time I leave. But who knows when I'll get to start!

But the good news is, I am making small changes to create a happier and healthier living situation for myself. I went to the gym by myself this morning, and I'm feeling the effects of it in a good way. I have more energy. I've accomplished a lot today. I'm doing better with missing my friends. I talk to them almost everyday, but it's still hard. At least I don't cry at the drop of a hat anymore :)

In the next couple days I've given myself the project of organizing the basement and seperating what I'm taking to Charleston vs. what's staying here. I also plan to re-read the last HP book in preparation for the new one in July! I am pumped! There's so much to look forward to! How can I be sad when so much good is happening? I mean, I do get sad, but I try to remind myself of that every once in a while.

I miss everyone!

Love to all!
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