Jun 04, 2008 23:59
I won't be the victim, but the first to cast a stone / Sedated nights to the bar room fights as metropolis takes its toll / And don't you try to stop me, it's a place you'll never know / Don't try to judge or take shots at me, I'll never let you seize control
well that's another day down...
today started late again, this sleeping pattern really needs some serious work... problem is I have no actual reason to wake up, so I just sleep in until about 1 or 2 before I get up and doss around...
today was no exception...
I spent some of the day doing graphics work for the town of the dead and posting now that it is alive and running again... I'm really happy about this because I've put a lot and I mean a lot of effort into that site.
last night after I blogged I talked with Li and we worked out an ending to the present storyline... however it is going to be a secret until it happens... mwahahahaha
so yeah, this evening I went to Karate - hopefully my final lesson as a green belt as I have a grading this weekend, wish me luck, 'kay? =P
I'm pleased with my Shodan and Nidan and my Saifa in my opinion is nearly good enough to take me to the next grade... so hopefully this sunday will go really well... that's the plan, anyway, I don't want to be an orange belt forever...
this year seems to be slipping away somehow, I mean how is it June already? honestly?
anyways, that's about all for today's blog entry... all that's left is a repost of a quiz thing i promised...
Leave a comment and I will:
1) tell you why I friended you,
2) associate you with something - fandom, a song, a color, a photo, etc.,
3) tell you something I like about you,
4) tell you a memory I have of you,
5) ask something I've always wanted to know about you,
6) tell you my favorite user pic of yours,
7) in return, you must post this in your LJ
so ya, feel free to comment and I shall get back to you!
love light and peace.