Mar 15, 2004 13:55
As of last week I have withdrew from school. School is not very much fun for me, I dont enjoy it at all...So now im going to be working full time at petco. So now instead of spending lots of money and being poor all the time because of school i will be making money, I got my federal tax check in last week...968 bucks :) thats good, plus im going to be keeping my neon and selling my toyota tercel for cheap money prolly like 800 bucks or something...havent decided yet.
Its me and laura's two year anniversary next month...its acually on easter which is pretty cool, now all i need is an idea on what to get her :) she already has lots of jewelery and only 4 more open slots on the charm braclet i got her so im running low on ideas.
I havent acually seen much of Laura lately...well i have but not for that long. Saturday I worked 7-3 then went to see laura and we went to the dartmouth mall and looked around, not much to look at there. 1000 degrees closed :( but it will be openingn at the taunton mall soon...or maybe it already is, i dont know. cool store. laura dont like it though but oh well im going to have lots of free time so i can go look around whenever i feel like it :) but then i left lauras at like 8 or something like that cause she was very tired cause she worked 4am-12 so thats understandable she would be tired. i was kind of tired to im not used to waking up at 5:45. Then Sunday I worked 9-5 (inventory...didnt feel like staying till midnight) then i went home, took a shower then went back to see laura...only there was a bad accident somewere on the highway past the airport road exit...dont know what that was about but everyone had to detour on the airport road exit which stunk cause i didnt know were to go but i found it. then i left her house at 9 cause she was falling asleep on me again. Im going to her baton thingy at my old high school. luckily i dont have to go for the whole time :) i have to go at intermission or something???
So thats about it...just been working and with laura, not much else of anything.
Lots of people say that when they graduate high school that they are going to keep in contact with all there friends...i dont believe that to be a true statement I havent hung out with any of my high school friends in over a year I think once you graduate and your not forced to see them everyday you come up with other things to do...or get new friends in college and forget about the old ones its strange like that..I think the person i see the most that was in my high school was some nasty girl that used to stalk me go figure. Buuuut she did go to my graduation unlike someone else that i know ;) lol but then she invited herself to my party which scared me cause i didnt really want her too. she went in my pool talked to my family and everything what a very awful party that turned out to be...then to top it off she stole my jimmy eat world cd grrr. So ive seen her a few times at the mall and then she came into my work not to long ago which was awful...she said she wanted to hold on of the cute little sexy ferrets. what a weirdo. havent seen her since hopefully i wont.
Well im off to work. 3-10:30 bye