Feb 16, 2004 23:21
Name: Kraig
Sex: male
Birthday: August 7, 84
Siblings: 2 brothers, 1 sister
Pets: 3 dogs (alex, caty, tasha) cat (tigger) ferret (jojo)
Height: 6'
Hair Color: brown
Eye Color: brown
Eye Color of Choice: brown in fine
Writing Hand: left
Current Residence: assonet
Nervous Habits: dont know of any
Are you double jointed?: no
Can you roll your tongue?: roll it where?
Can you raise one eyebrow at a time?: nope
Can you blow spit bubbles?: never tried..maybe as a baby i did
Can you cross your eyes?: yes
tattoos?: No hurts to much for me
Piercings and where?: left and right lobe
Do you make your bed daily?: no i never make my bed my dogs just mess it up anyways
Which shoe goes on first?: whatever one is closer
Speaking of shoes, have you ever thrown one at anyone?: no...
On the average, how much money do you carry in your wallet?: 0 dollars
What jewelry do you wear 24/7?: 2 earings
Favorite Piece of Clothing: my 4XL sweatshirt even though it shrunk a little
Pajamas: boxers
-- F00D
Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it?: twirl
Have you ever eaten Spam?: noo
Favorite Ice Cream Flavor?: any without a lot of chocolate in it
How many cereals in your cabinet?: prolly lots but most prolly have none in them
What's your favorite beverage?: gorrilla grape
What's your favorite restaurant?: tko malleys
Do you cook?: not well
How often do you brush your teeth?: in the am and sometimes pm if i remember
How often do you shower/bathe?: 1 time a day unless in the summer
How long does your shower last?: 10mins at most
Hair drying method: towel
Have you ever colored/highlighted your hair?: no but my friend bleached a spot on my head once :(
Do you paint your nails?: no...should i???
Do you swear?: nooo
Do you ever spit?: nope
Animal: dogs
Food: pizza
Month: June
Day: Friday
Cartoon: tom and jerry
Shoe Brand: nike/rebok
Subject in school: arithmatic? thats easy enough
Color: blue and black
Sport: baseball
Tv show: without a trace, CSI miami
Best Looking Female Celebrety?
Holiday: XMas
Vacationing Spot: Indian Head Resort in NH
Thing to do in Spring: go fishing
Thing To Do In The Summer: swim in my pool with my puppy
Thing To Do In The Fall: brace for winter
Thing To Do In The Winter: freeze
Game: Pass the trash
The CD Player: Dropkick Murphys
Person you talk most on the phone with: laura i dont talk to anyone else
Ever take a cab: no
Do you regularly check yourself out in store windows and mirrors?: just to make sure my hair isnt sticking up
What color is your bedroom?: Blue
Do you use an alarm clock?: yes i have to use two just to get my out of bed
Window seat or aisle?: window
What's your sleeping position?: on my side
Even in hot weather do you use a blanket?: yes cause i keep my ac on full blast the whole night
Do you snore?: not to my knowledge
Do you sleepwalk?: no
Do you talk in your sleep?: dont think so
Do you sleep with a stuffed animal?: i dont even have a stuffed animal
How about with the light on?: no
Do you fall asleep with the TV or radio on?: no
Coke or Pepsi?: pepsi
Oranges or apples?: grapefruits
One pillow or two?: 1
Deaf or blind?: deaf
Pools or hot tubs?: pools i went underwater in a hottub on vaca when i was little and the lifeguard made me leave the pool area
Blondes or brunettes?: eather or
Tall or short?: short
TV or radio?: radio
Beach or pool?: pool
Tic-Tacs or Certs?: tic-tacs
Snooze button or jump out of bed?: snooze.
Sunrise or Sunset?: sunset
Hamburger or Cheeseburger?: cheeeseburger
Morning or night?: night
Sports or news?: sports
Indoors or outdoors?: outdoors
Christmas Eve or Christmas Day?: eve
Cake or ice cream?: ice cream
Spearmint or Peppermint?: spearmint
Bath or shower?: shower
Book or Movie?: movie
Green or Red apples?: green
Rain or Snow?: rain
Nike or Adidas?: nike
Took a shower?: few mins ago
Cried?: dont remember
Talked on the phone?: few mins ago
Read a book?: oh its been many many years
Punched someone?: 6th grade
Where do you see yourself in ten years? hopefully still not taking classes at bcc