Okay, so in my mission to read the four months' backlog since I was last on LJ, I find the happiness quiz on
cthonicmin's LJ and he goads me with the (not unfair) accusation that I won't answer. So now I answer. Fucko.
This is a tall order, since I spend most of my time happy, or at least content. That's not smugness; I'm very grateful for my life. But it means it's hard to pick out stuff that stands out.
1) Spending time with good people. My wife, my close friends, people with whom I share an interest, or just people who are themselves interesting, talkative or friendly.
2) An audience. It's been said by many, but I do like to talk. I like to hold forth even more. It's most likely a sign of deep-seated insecurity, but what the hell. I only really get self-conscious about it when I realise I'm dominating a conversation.
3) Conversely, the comfortable silence in which I can spend an entire evening with someone very close, especially Tamsin.
4) Writing. And being published.
5) Having my mind changed, or at least one of my existing ideas informed or altered by encountering a different one.
6) The feeling of accomplishment that comes of getting something finished (gadflyish as I am, this is rare enough), and knowing it's been done properly.
7) Being recognised or appreciated at work.
8) Sex. Dancing. Actually, these are quite similar.
9) Good food and drink, although I'm still working on recognising my limits.
10) Learning anything new, especially if it's difficult to get my head around but ultimately possible.
And now I tag:
shawgreen, randomlunatic, icksplat, mouthymetaller, and onesti.