May 11, 2011 14:15
9.40, 19+C. On the road to Wudinna, earliest in a long time.
9.50 the new extension cord quit working. It turned very very hot. So we just had to use the one that belongs to the fridge. That way we can not adjust the fridge any which way we want but keep it in one place only.
10.20 reached Iron Knob, an old iron mine. We were joking around of course. Must’ve been Steve Jobs who found it - iRon , how iRonic is that, and so on.
11.15 reached Kimba
12.35 ahh finally Wudinna. A bit more to Pygery and here we turned off to go to the Paney office and Gawler Ranges NP but ended up in nowhere on a field and the dirt road ended. Should we go back or just try our luck and se if we could find a road somewhere? We went back. We have no extra fuel with us. Ken failed us!
13.30 had lunch with the flies along the way with a view of another field. So many fields down here. This is Australias wheat storage sort of. Then back to the main road A1, back to Pygery and try that road to Paney Park. Got it right this time. Some of the roads in the park were fun but none craved any 4wd gears.
17.30 at Mattera Campground in Gawler Ranges NP. Found a nice spot for our tent. Had a nice campfire, some red wine and it was a beautiful night. It was big and dry so we felt alone although there was another family farther away among the bushes. This was bush camping, no water or toilets.
Roads: Iron Knob road to Iron Knob. West on Eyre Hwy/A1 to Kimba - Kyankutta - Wudinna - Pygery(just west of Wudinna). From Pygery we took Barns road north and it was supposed to connect with Paney Homestead-Pygery rd but just ended in nowhere. So back to Pygery and to Wudinna where the official sign to the park was. So north on Bartley road, then Paney Homestead-Pygery rd. Looked a bit at the shearing sheds and shearers quarters but we have seen so many before. These looked quite new and as though they were in use though. After Paney Homestead we drove just a little bit NE and then off on LP Track, past Turkey Flat Track and next left (Mattera Track) then right to campground Mattera.