Hey.... did you know that
white Australians are aborting ourselves out of existence, and that - at this rate - we will become a Muslim nation!!??
You don't believe me??? Before you poo-poo me, have a look at my sources
According to Australian Government MP Danna Vale, the regulating of the availability of the "abortion" drug RU486 by the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) - Australia's regulatory agency for medical drugs and devices, instead of allowing conservative MP's to control its distribution, will result in white Australians continuing to "abort themselves out of existence"; and we run the risk of becoming a "Muslim nation" because "Muslim families have too many children"
OH MY FUCKING GOD!! I am soooooo embarrassed! Vale, you senile old twat! Which century did you just resurrect yourself from? Your comments are inexcusable and I swear if I ever have the misfortune of meeting you face to face I will EGG you!! That's right... this "WHITE AUSTRALIAN" will throw fucking eggs at you, you hideous excuse for an intelligent person.
And before my public post gets inundated with red-neck hillbillies sprouting some shit about *freedom of speech*, I'd remind you all that *racial vilification* is still against the law in this country, and parliamentary privilege should NEVER afford an MP a license to say whatever they god-damn-well want just because it's they're *opinion* and they're in a parliamentary chamber! I am thinking, surely there must be a method in such madness? such outrageously inaccurate statement?? ~ Vale's attempt to derail an intelligent debate regarding the proper regulation of a relatively potent drug (RU486), into a debate firstly about abortion; and now also a debate about race!
Having said all that... I believe in presenting a balanced view... so here's a PDF webcapture of some of the "publishable" responses from Australians (for and against) what Vale had to say.