Bye, LJ, it was (relatively) peaceful while it lasted until your most recent attempt to screw all your users over with your whoring out to social networking sites like that evil Facebook (not to mention bitchy staff members who troll the comments and basically just acting like a jerk ala ONTD troll).
Friends, I'll be locking down all my entries here
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There was an explanation a few days ago that pretty much explains why linking to social networking sites is beneficial to LJ's current business model. Not all users are paid users, that is, there are ads on their journal. But if crossposting is not opt-out for all users, then crossposting that involves paid users will link them to sites like Facebook where ads are unavoidable. Tadaa! advertisement revenue. The fiasco way back when they got rid of ad-free accounts foreshadowed this move to a more profit-concerned organisation than one that puts its users' first. Am disgusted.
Oh, oh. Apparently, LJ staff are able to read your locked entries. Seriously. EPIC FAIL.
If you ever want to move over to DW, there're lots of invite codes floating about because they suddenly have an influx of 50,000 users over the past few days. Hmm. I wonder why.
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