So long; Farewell

Sep 11, 2010 18:59

Bye, LJ, it was (relatively) peaceful while it lasted until your most recent attempt to screw all your users over with your whoring out to social networking sites like that evil Facebook (not to mention bitchy staff members who troll the comments and basically just acting like a jerk ala ONTD troll).
Friends, I'll be locking down all my entries here, not that I don't trust you guys about crossposting to Facebook or Twitter (oh, and about 48 other social networking sites that probably shouldn't have needed to exist), but it's easy to accidentally click on things. And even users I didn't add into my F-list can easy share my content. So. Yes. Locking down my entries.

Also, I have just moved over to Dreamwidth, where I will keep the privacy settings as how I used to here before this disaster. LJ staff don't quite understand why we're in an uproar over this, and how this new function they rolled out is different from random people coming online and coming across our public entries.

I keep this public because I have friends who read my LJ (or I show my entries to) who don't have an account here, so they can read it without waiting for me to login to show them; I keep this public because I don't mind random people I don't know and who won't judge me with how they perceive me in real life reading what I put up. I have an LJ to facilitate a part of myself who is a slash fangirl and by linking LJ to Facebook, the separation between what we do with our fandoms and how people know us in real life totally dissolves. I am aware I have friends who don't understand homosexuality and who can't quite accept it. I am aware I have friends who don't quite get the concept of 'slash'. Do I want people who I know in real life who I am connected to on Facebook to know about this fannish side of me? No. So I don't care if the crosspost to Facebook is 'just an URL' or 'just a snippet of the comments', it jeopardises my effort in keeping parts of my online life separate. (Also, what's the point of crossposting comments? That's one of the stupidest updates I've heard in my life. And that includes the most recent update Apple did with the iPods and iTunes.)

This is different from letting random people read my public entries because those people on Facebook? THEY KNOW ME. They will judge me. They will look at me different. Do you want your uncle on Facebook coming across an update that you posted a comment about crazy kinky sex? Do you want your mother coming across an update about a comment you posted about aborted pregnancies? (Not that I have entries about either, tyvm.)

Okay, I'm dragging on. Anyway. I should have moved to DW long ago when LJ got rid of free ad-free accounts. But better late than never, I guess. Here's my new journal link:

I'll still be keeping this account here to keep up with fandom and my f-list, but all journal updates will be done over at Dreamwidth.

Goodbye, LiveJournal. This time it's for real.

以上、Chii です。

