Costumes update- which isn't much of an update...

May 23, 2013 10:54

Well, I had to take a break from working on my one dress since I was about to burn it from irritation.  I really didn't think working on the trim would take so bloody long.  I thought it was a great idea for a trim.  *ugh*  Well, what's done actually looks not bad.  Should look pretty good once I actually finish it.  But it's going to take a LONG time.  I thought sewing leaves onto the trim would be fun...HAH!  That is the most frustrating, annoying, & TIME CONSUMING work.  Took over 2 days and only at the half-way point on it.  *twitch*

So I took a break & found myself unable to get motivated to work on it again.  Was going to work on the other dress I had started...& didn't.  I had pulled a muscle in my back from working on the trim hunched over.  So cleared out a spot where I could work with better back support.  And still haven't gotten motivated.  The heat doesn't help.  The thought of fabric being draped over me as I work on stuff just is not appealing right now.

Since I had already decided on no costumes this time around at Balticon anyway.  Not that big of a deal.  Maybe it will motivate me to finish them though.

Hit a snag job hunting with the computer glitches though.  I've got to figure out what I would like to do that I CAN do.  (*sigh*  Tons of jobs that I wouldn't mind doing but physically can no longer do them.  Sure I  can handle them on the good days but on the bad days which will happen- nope.)  I figure I might have to go back to college.  There so much that employers are looking for that I've never received any training for or it's so out of date that it's useless.
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