Changing majors...(again?)

Feb 24, 2004 03:15

Ever since the beginning of this semester, I've been increasingly disillusioned with Plato. I think the majority of philo majors fall in love with Plato at some point...but as we dive deeper into his theories, we encounter a certain technical wall where the learning shifts from being thought-provoking to mindless technical exercises. Maybe it was Parmenides' objections to Platonic theories...maybe it was just the deepening of my disagree with Plato's take on Art...I definitely had issues with how Plato deals with emotion, and his almost obsessive distain of material substances.

In either case, I'm having second thoughts on the Classics major (hehehe--c'mon, you know it won't be the philo major that I'm questioning...I'm paying "my dues" with 301 and Logic this semester...I'm going to take the classes that interest me from this point onward). If I get into the Athens program, I'm simply take that semester to finish a classical civ minor, than jump into my regular philo/history trek.

And possibly...

Yes, English...I've picked up and dropped this major at least twice already. 3 years ago, I was a sure-shot for the English major. Junior year and Mrs. Lee added history to the list...senior year with Mrs. Billionare made my faith in English waver...frosh year at Earlham and my required Hum classes convinced me that I definitely didn't want to be an English major. It didn't exactly help that Adrian (English/Philo) has been bitching about his required English courses since freshman year.

This year, Adrian loves his classes. He often talks to me about the reading and discussions since its an one of my areas of interest. The more I talk to him, the more I'm warming up to the subject again. I'm wary still...the "trads" (3 required courses in American and Brit lit...rather like our 301/302/logic sequence) are torture, but necessary torture...and apparently, the classes beyond it are worth the effort. I think I really need to sit in on a few to a few profs before making my decision. If I take the English major, I'll be here a full 5 years with summers...probably pushing the 6th year (if I do go on for a 6th year, I'll probably just take 2 classes and my thesis for a semester to wrap things up). If I take the English major, I will have to drop Greek as a language...French will be much easier to learn, even for me.

2 Core (required)
12 Philo+ 2 thesis (honors major)
10 English (major?)
8 History (supp major)
6 Classics (minor)
1-2 Antro (interest)
1 Cosmology (interest)
3 French (required/interest)

45-46 classes...

We'll see. I'm going to focus on the classes I have now before adding another apple to the handful that I'm juggling...
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