First a quick rant: I spent over 15 minutes this morning waiting at a traffic light less than a mile from where I work. As a result, I was five minutes late to work (not a big deal but being late always throws the rest of the day for me).
Rant over.
This post is going to have no order, so please just bear with me as my mind jumps around.
autumnwrite : I can't really decide if I'm looking forward to this or not. I was super excited for summerwrite and enjoyed every minute of it. I'm afraid that autumnwrite's going to be a let down because I won't have as much time to devote to it. I met a lot of great people through summerwrite and I do feel that autumnwrite is going to continue that. I'm a bit disappointed with my busy schedule that I won't get to sprint much. Hopefully the awesome friends I've made over the course of the summer won't forget me. =)
Second, editing: It's slow going. I can't hardly find time to post an LJ entry, let alone pick up a pen and edit on Dancing beneath the Moon. There are not enough hours in the day. I'm proposing adding another day to the weekend.
Third, work: I'm enjoying it. I'm doing things I never thought I could. I'm interacting with the kids. And I'm enjoying every minute of my busy day. Some days (such as Tuesdays), I barely get a break and other days (such as Thursdays), I get no break at all. But it's enjoyable and the kids are awesome.
Fourth, well, I'm really not sure what I was going to put in fourth. How about blog details? I'll share a secret with you: I already wrote up all of the posts for this week, set the date for them, and each new post will be automatically pubished for me at 5pm each day. This is a really nice feature of blogger - scheduling when your posts are made. There's some exciting stuff to come, including my first interview, a contest, and a fun review of our wolf-making adventure at Build-A-Bear. So, keep an eye out for those at I may not have time to post here when the new ones are up like I have in the past.
Last, but by far not least: Two to Write. The last part of "Howling" has been posted. You can read the entirety of this short story featuring werewolves now at We will be starting to post Night's Final Hour starting this upcoming Sunday. Each week, we will publish one chapter for you to enjoy. In the end, you'll have the opportunity to read an entire novel for free.
Yeah, so that proposal about more days - anyone know how we can get that accomplished? I'm seriously considering not sleeping so that I can fit everything in (j/k).
Wishing a great week to everyone who reads this!!