Global Warming and Climate Change are real

Jan 23, 2009 08:10

And scientists are getting a flood of data to prove it:

Global warming doubles tree deaths in western United States:;_ylt=AvP4JS7v1ds9vjFj3suPZFhpl88F

Study: Antarctica joins rest of world in warming:;_ylt=AlRSyeDqfXLF_Msbg.faiCppl88F
This one's a big study - one of the last remaining legs on the wobbly chair that skeptics were standing on was that Antarctica was cooling. Nope! Western antarctica - west of a mountain range, where no one lives - is actually warming at a pace that more than makes up for the cooling eastern half (which is actually partly our fault that it's cooling - the ozone hole that man created is partly to blame for the cooling). This study effectively takes a stick of dynamite to that leg of the wobbly skeptics chair.

Coral reefs dying because of increased acidity of seawater:
It's on MSNBC, but it's not liberal propoganda, it's the AP article about a paper in Science (subscription required, but your local library or university library likely has one).
Brief explanation of why this makes perfect sense: increased carbon dioxide in air (result of human activity, primarily burning of oil, gas, or coal - CnHn + O2 --> CO2 + H2O (not balanced). The excess carbon dioxide in the air is always in equilibrium with absorbed carbon on the ground and in water. Thus, when you increase the CO2 in air, you increase the CO2 in water. In water, CO2 gives a certain percentage of acid, according to this equation: H2O + CO2 <--> H+ + HCO3-. So, increased acidity of seawater. Many plants and animals can only survive a narrow pH range, so increasing the acidity (decreasing pH) leads to more dead animals.

Thoughts? (Besides the obvious "wow, you're a science geek chris")
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