Jul 16, 2007 23:12
Since I apparently don't have enough to do and/or worry about, I've been tapped to work on promotional materials for the Second Annual Waco Holistic Health Fair. Yeah, I'm on the committee that's planning the whole thing. I have a coffee meeting godawful early Wednesday morning so I'm trying to have more materials than just the exhibitor invitation letter I was asked to write. Somewhat because I'm an overachiever and completely OCD and anal-retentive and I like doing paperwork, but also because I object to some of the previous year's way of doing things and I re-wrote it the way I'd want it to be if I were an exhibitor and I'm hoping that they don't notice I changed things up a bit. Long sentence, but I'm sure you get the gist of it.
Anyhow, I've got the exhibitor invitation letter and response form, a tentative agenda (pending responses from exhibitors), a master sheet of raffle tickets and a master silent auction bid sheet (depending on which one the committee decides to do), a follow-up letter pending responses from exhibitors, and check-in sheet to track exhibitor arrival. Did I mention I'm an OCD overachiever?
I'm working on a flyer, but I'm lacking content since we don't have exhibitors yet. That's fine, I can fill it with anticipated exhibitors. But I need a theme. What says "Holistic Health Fair" to you?? I could go with flowers, or esoteric symbols, or pictures of yoga poses and massage tables and essential oils. But for some reason those all seem so cliché. Any ideas, O Creative Readers In Cyberspace?
I'm also trying to come up with a few ideas of exhibitors beyond the massage-acupuncture-yoga aspect that we already have. I have resorted to reading the phone book. I was thinking I'd rather watch paint dry because this is amazingly boring and almost completely uninformative, but then I found an optometrist (yeah, I'm to O already, Waco isn't that big) and his name is Hyoung Lho. Being as how it's pretty late here and I've been staring at my computer for most of the day, this poor man's name struck me as quite funny.
holistic health fair