May 17, 2009 20:54
Went back last night. Started bleeding badly all of a sudden again at work. Tea bags only stopped the bleeding for 5/10 minutes. Told my boss if I couldn't get it to stop in an hour or two I'd have to go to the ER. Well, I had gotten to the point I decided to tough out the shift since it was stopping and starting, and that was when it started really gushing and rapidly forming clots.
Needless to say I shortly booked my way up to the hospital. They packed it in, getting it to stop, and refilled my prescrip for Percocet. Taking tonight off, and consulting dentist as per my instructions when I go in for the original sutures to be removed on Monday. Everybody at the ER was a bit confused why it wasn't more healed by now. The dissolving stitches from the monday night ER visit must have done just that, dissolved, but 6 days after the tooth was removed, it should not bleed that badly.
Oh, and joy joy side note, no open appointments to finish getting teeth removed until July, so at this rate, I will have 5% chewing ability until like next Fall. D:
Plus side, I'm taking today off(first full day I've missed since starting work). That means a three-day weekend... three-day weekend of liquids and minimal soft foods.. but three-day weekend nonetheless. XD