Start it off with a BANG

May 12, 2009 10:03

So yesterday was the big start of the great extraction. My appointment was at 10:15am so I just stayed up after work for it. Went off just fine, removed the two top rear teeth on either side and asked me if I wanted to do the next two on both sides, or call it good for now. I figured I'd minimize the trips and go for it. Left at 11am with nothing but my front four teeth left on the top, being my adult canines had never grown out either after the babies were pulled 8 years ago. Wasn't that bad, bleeding was a little heavy but I expected to bleed heavier anyways.

We went to Wal-Mart to get something for Mother's Day since we couldn't really get around yesterday and we had no money before that. Got some tea bags to bite on because the tanic acid helps stop bleeding and they absorb more blood than gauze does, plus they gave me a piddly amount of gauze. We then progressed out to the area where I have to make my cash advance payment. It was around then I realized I wasn't supposed to change teabags more than once an hour, and only supposed to leave them in for 20 minutes at a time. So I started to cut back, plus I got tired of not being able to talk. We had began to worry I was bleeding a bit too much, but we dismissed it.

Our next stop was next to the theater, as we had planned to see Wolverine and Star Trek today. I proceeded to hoof it to Mom's to leave her gifty(she wasn't home it turned out). Heading back, I popped into a bathroom because I had felt something weird in my mouth. I removed a blood clot from the left side the size of my thumb.

We went through the movies okay, although another clot had started to form. I was still bleeding fairly bad too, considering it had by the time the movies were done, been 11 hours since the procedure. So we fanaggled a ride from Mom's boyfriend to the ER. I hadn't been feeling bad or anything, except maybe a little nauseous from all the blood I had swallowed, considering I had had nothing but water since 11pm the night before by now. Mostly, we wanted to see if they could do something about the clot and stop/slow the bleeding. Got to the heart rate monitor, and part way through it had to re-tighten. My heartrate was 56 / 40 (if I remember correct). I began to crash all of a sudden.

My whole body went a bit tingly and disconnected. I got so close to not being able to see that more of my vision was black and white than blurry sight. Managed to get myself into the wheelchair and they took me to a bed. Vision returned after about 10 minutes of fighting to not pass out. It didn't help I'd been awake for pretty much 30 hours by this point. Shortly later I puked up about a quarter gallon of blood. After that I was pretty much okay though. The cutey ER dude removed the clot in a few chunks, it had apparently grown partially down my throat, and the whole thing weighed over 3 ounces. He re-stitched the left side where it was bleeding, and after my blood work came back okay, I eventually went home.

So, now I'm back on schedule with eating jello, icecream, and soup. My appointment on Thursday. we were supposed to see if I was healed enough to remove stitches, and proceed to the bottom teeth for now before we finish the top. But after today, I will have them probably just stick to the stitches. Sucky part is, I believe they don't have another appointment spot until July. =/
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