Long time no see + fanfiction update

Nov 08, 2009 20:52

I'd forgotten about this journal until I got an e-mail saying somebody had added me as a friend -


- so I thought I should update it.

Work has been, well, work as usual - spending my days packing bread and rolls, traying things up for the next day, doing reductions and stock counts - but now we're in the run up to Christmas, which means mince pies, mince pies and more mince pies...

...I don't even like mince pies XD

Since I'm going to a christmas market somewhere in Europe with my family next month I had to apply for a passport., which is turning out to be a problematic experience to say the least. Filling out the form and sending it off, then getting a letter back asking for payment and my birth certificate which I sent, then getting a phone call in which I learn they've got the payment but lost my birth certificate, which meant ordering and waiting for a new one and arranging for the passport office to refund that, then recieving the replacement birth certificate which I plan to deliver in person on Tuesday which should hopefully be the last problem there.

*crosses fingers*

This is why I stay in the country XD

Although I am meant to be going to America next year, probably February or March with my mum, who loved the three weeks she spent there with my dad and two of their friends in April (I got the house to myself which was great), so I'm looking forward to that.

Anyway, fanfiction update - if anyone is interested.

All the draft chapters of 'Kintobor' have been written and I'm currently in the middle of re-editing them, up to chapters seven and eight so far, which is out of sixteen (and a prologue and epilogue). I'm finding it funny that this was meant to be a small prequel story to my Sonic 1 adaptation - 'Genesis'' - which hasn't even been started, whilst 'Kintobor' has turned into this mammoth story with characters that I am so much in love with right now.

'The Future's Past' has gone through another overhaul, with all the chapters re-edited and a final run-through beginning as soon as I recieve back the beta-review of the last chapter and epilogue from my beta-reader, Tylec Asroc :D *hugs*

Important note - whilst my 'Aura Starfire' account on fanfiction.net will still remain up, all new stories will now be uploaded to my new account at 'Hoshiko Aurora' - http://www.fanfiction.net/u/1979558/Hoshiko_Aurora

Oh and don't forget my account at DeviantArt - http://aurora-cs.deviantart.com/ - which will have illustrations and character profiles for my fanfiction uploaded when the inspiration strikes me.

That's all for now :D


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