So yeah....The man, the myth, the unicorn.....Jamie Bamber has been added to the D*C guest list.
He's cancelled 3 times before so I pretty much know there's a slim chance of it actually happening yet here I am flailing like a ridiculous teenager.
The squee factor is also cranked to 11 because Katee confirmed the other night on the Acting Outlaws chat that she's trying to come to Dragon*Con as well. I MEAN REALLY PEOPLE. MAYBE THE UNIVERSE WAS WAITING SO THEY WOULD BE DELIVERED TO OUR CON TOGETHER. I can't even. I have literally lost my ability to can tonight.
Thanks Dragon*Con, I will now obsessively click your website every frakking day for the next 8 months to see if the cancellation notices goes up.
Until then this is me (and
sci_fi_shipper )