(no subject)

Aug 26, 2007 21:15

~Harry Potter~

01. The first character I fell in love with
Sirius Black. Bill Weasley.

02. The character I never expected to love as much as I do now
Remus Lupin!

03. The character everyone else loves that I don't
Ginny. She sucks. Lots.

04. The character I love that everyone else hates.
Mad Eye Moody. I thought he was hilarious. Or Barty Crouch Junior. Or Percy.

05. The character I used to love but don't any longer
Draco. Ick. After the whole thing with Pansy on the train scene, *shudder* Gross.

06. The character I would shag anytime

07. The character I'd want to be like
Lupin, so I can shag sirius.
or just sirius, so i can admire myself a lot.

08. The character I'd slap

09. A pairing that I love
Sirius/Remus. Hermione/Ron (So canon!!)

10. A pairing that I hate
Bella/Harry. EW what the fuck!?!?!

Anyway... now thats done with...
Me. Mwaha. Child Genius. I passed my exams!!! All of them!! Got nothing below a C. I got five B's and four C's, or something, and personally I think thats great! I was soooo relieved to find out that I passed! I nearly made miss utton (my french teacher- I love her so much, I would not have been able to pass without her!) cry =( *sniffle*
English lang and lit- BB
Science- CC
Maths- B!!!
French- C
Graphics- B
Art GNVQ- Merit (One mark off distinction, I was so pissed about that...)
Humanities- B
Um... what else did I do? Oh I don't know.
Give up. Well, thats about what I got.

I lost the will to live on friday, just gone, I had a traumatic and dramatic and other 'ic's I can't think of break down which I've laughed about now, but at the time it was kinda scary. I didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Its just that out of my thirteen week holiday from school to college (Only have two more weeks left, I think I can just about cope...) Only three weeks of those I have spent doing things and being out of the house etc. I HAVE BEEN SOOOOO BORED. I honestly don't know what I have been doing to keep myself alive this long. No, not just alive. Vaguely sane. I think my babies (The Dell, my Bike) have helped so much to keep me entertained, but now.. I'm so bored. GAHHHHHARHAGHARHAGRGAHGRHAGRHGAHRG. *Keyboardspas*

Went to see my daddy a few weeks ago (this is one of the three good weeks), which was really nice. I went to see my old home, where I grew up. It was wierd seeing it all again, me and my sister walked the way we used to go to school, and into town and so on, and it was wierd to see how it was almost exactly the same yet completely new and different.
What else... hmm... Went to the Isle of Wight with my mummy and futurestepdad, it was kinda a washout, as the second day it pissed it down for the entire day and it was a crap day, but the first day was good, went to the needles (big rocks, basically, but it was very pretty) and did a load of other stuff, and on wednesday we came home an hour early, cause we ran out of things to do, as we had pretty much covered the entire island in the couple of days. Sure, not the best holiday in the world, but it was such a laugh! Me and my folks really got on well again, it was a nice couple of days.
One of my friends is in Turkey at the moment, the other one is working practically all the time, the other is in Devon, another is sulking 'cause she didn't get all her A*s like she wanted, and the other is miserable cause she failed most of her exams. So, see? I haven't really been able to see many people for agees. *sulk*

Oh, I'm so happy. I got the 3rd and 4th book in the Fake series!! Wahoo!! DEE AND RYO FOREVER, BERKELEY MUST DIE. Anywhoo... Heheh. I'm waiting for a weeks pocket money (yes, sad, I know- but I have yet to have found a job, so I have to deal.) that I can spend on the next book.
I don't like not having money at the moment, because it really limits what you can do. My pocket money really means I can go out once, or if I'm tight with it- twice, or buy one item of clothing, or one book, or phone credit, or petrol money, or for art materials, or a cd/dvd, bear in mind that I only get pocket money once a week. Its not good. I NEED A JOB. I have applied to lots and lots and lots and lots and LOTS of places, filling in application forms, or giving in my CV, or whatever, and I haven't had one single phone call back, NOT ONE!!! Grr... unfair. See, and I am pretty much the only one of my friends who hasn't got a job, or hasn't got everything handed to them on a silver platter by their parents. Grr.

Right, what now? Oh look! Insecurities!! Don't you just love those little things? Aww..
Well, I'm terrified about college. I don't exactly know why, I've wanted to go there for years, and I know that college fits me better than school, but its going to be so different! There is the big thing about not calling anyone 'miss' or 'sir', which is going to mess me up. Its much more hands on, which I love- but will be wierd to get used to. Then there is the whole issue about /friends/. My three best friends are going to a different college, and those three are going to the same one, so I kinda feel like I'm being left behind somehow. I want to make new friends- I think to prove to myself that I can do, in some ways, but also 'cause I don't want to have to depend on the two (best best) friends I made in school to be able to go out and have a laugh. I love them so much, and I don't want to loose them, and I think thats my biggest problem about going to college without them is that I know both of them will make friends in an instant, and there is the possibility that they will forget all about me. Hope not, hope with all my heart that they won't, buy its always a possibility, right? I mean we're all growing up, but part of me doesn't want to. I desperately want to, but then I know I'm going to miss the securities of school. *shrug*
There is my little insecurity for the moment.
I have my college enrolement interview this thursday coming, which I am so looking forward to, 'cause I get to meet my teacher, and sort out my timetable and courses for the next year, and that'll be fantastic. However, I am going to walk there, 'cause I don't want helmet hair, as I have to get my photo taken for my NUS student card (I already have one, but thats not the point).
The following thursday, we have our freshers day, and then that friday, classes start- which is a little nervewracking, but I'm looking forward to.
I have decided that I am going to start to get fit (in the actual meaning of the word, not 'phwoar, he's so fit' as in, healthy fit.) I am going to start to run/walk before college at least twice a week, and if I can find out the cost I'm going to try to start swimming, as I enjoy that more than walking. But the swimming is just one extra expense that I don't have the money for right now. Hopefully by next week I might have a job, but then hopefully in two weeks time I will be able to get my EMA's, so I get a bit of extra money. Thank god for that, eh?

~Dr Who~

01. The first character I fell in love with
Captain Jack Harkness, Duuuh!! <3<3<3

02. The character I never expected to love as much as I do now
Rose, Billie piper rocks in Dr who!

03. The character everyone else loves that I don't
Martha. SHE sucks. More than Ginny in HP.

04. The character I love that everyone else hates
The master! <3<3

05. The character I used to love but don't any longer
The 9th doctor. Used to like him, compared to the 10th hes like eurgh.

06. The character I would shag anytime
The tenth Doctor (yum), the Master, or Cap'n Jack Harkness.

07. The character I'd want to be like
The master.

08. The character I'd slap
Marthe. >.<

09. A pairing that I love
10th Doctor/Jack. 10th Doctor/The master. (Or all three. ^.~)

10. A pairing that I hate
10th doctor/Martha.

And once again, moving on swiftly.
Mommy dearest thinks it is wierd for me to like Micheal Buble. Its not my fault, its just 'cause I love the swing and jazz genre of music, and he's the new guy in town music to do this sort of music well, I love him. Just as I love Jamie Cullum, for the same reason- although Micheal Buble has better songs. Kinda.

I give up, I don't know what else to write just now.
I promise to write again soon.

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