OK, I've witten the copy for the new website, done the basic layout plan and sorted out all the images and links.
I've passed it all along with a opensource template I really like to the wonderful Ginger Ninja Will, who has kindly offered to do the clever stuff.
I've found the following domain/Hosting package, and it looks like such a good deal that I'm wondering what the catch is:
http://www.justhost.com/ The contract lengths give these prices:
1 month - £6.95per Month - £10.00 Set Up - £5.95 Domain registration (Total £22.90)
6 months- £5.95per Month - Free Set Up - £5.95 Domain registration (Total £35.70)
12 months - £4.95per Month - Free Set Up - Free Domain registration (Total £59.40)
24 months - £3.95per Month - Free Set Up - Free Domain registration ( Total £94.80)
36 months - £2.95 permonth - Free setup - Free Domain registration (total £106.20)
That would include unlimited discspace and bandwidth, plus the domain, pop3 email accounts, every feature I think I'd ever need, plus a service guarantee. I clicked on the livechat feature for the contract length info, and was talking to a rep within 15 seconds.
So, the 12 month option looks ideal, almost too ideal!
Have any of you used them before? What's the catch?
Does anyone have any recommendations?