Title: Tea Lounge
Characters/Pairing: Mohinder and Sylar; references to offstage Matt/Mohinder
Rating: PG-13 for language
Words: 2879
Spoilers: This starts up sometime around Truth & Conequences, but I've reimagined Sylar's season 2 storyline and changes a couple of other things (like Nathan's shooting).
Summary: In which Sylar pays Mohinder a visit.
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(note to self to investigate any interesting links between the blonde gene, the super-power gene, and mental instability among females)
This was bizarre. A serial killer was asking me out for tea.
“Do you want me to order anything for you before you get there? I remember last time you asked for a chai latte.”
“Um, sure. That would be lovely. I can pay you back when I get there.” This conversation had officially left the realm of the possible, and I found myself just going with it, too.
“Oh, don’t worry about it. It’s on me. Soy milk, right?”
“Yes. Soy. Thanks.” I heard him walk away again and go down the stairs.
What the fuck? I had just agreed to go for tea at the hip local coffee shop with a dead serial killer who remembered my preferences. Was it a dream? Was it a trick? Was he going to kill me?
and I killed an acquaintance of his (a thoroughly annoying one---I still irrationally hated stupid, pretty-boy Peter Petrelli. What was he even doing there that day? Mohinder hadn’t invited him, and he just let himself in like he was used to dropping by all the time).
Bahahahahahaha! That gave him good-points in my book, actually …
I wanted to appear as normal and unscary as possible. Just as I started to worry that Mohinder had panicked and skipped town, he walked in and started nervously scanning the room. I sort of froze, not sure what to do, not sure what I had just gotten myself into. I wasn’t the only one. Mohinder had that quintessential Mohinder look on his face of, “Oh my god, this is a ridiculous situation.” Hee. He really did have a knack for getting himself into ridiculous situations.
He nervously smiled and said hello to the barista, who dropped the coffee she was holding. Ah, people’s reactions to Mohinder’s smiles. I had forgotten about that.
Someone on TWoP said it made her want to weep kittens …
and glared at me with a look that screamed tell-me-why-I-shouldn’t-call-the-FBI. It was obvious that he didn’t want to start the conversation, but all of my prepared scenarios began with him asking me how I was still alive. Since he wasn’t going to cooperate, I decided to do it myself.
While the sentiment that lay behind the question wasn’t exactly the friendliest, and I had no idea who Elle was, at least he was responding. Finally, we were on track with one of my imagined conversations.
Hee hee hee …
I picked up my drink and left him there, staring. I started badly, but I think I finished strong, right?
Yes you did, dear … *pats him on the head*
Yes you did, dear … *pats him on the head*
I'm beaming right now, because that is precisely the reaction I was hoping that last line would elicit. I'm thrilled it worked the way I wanted it to.
Thanks for reading!
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