Breaking News: news that needs fixing

Jul 20, 2007 13:55

So the hot topic in today's local new is how Toronto Mayor David Miller is proposing - threatening, would be a better word - to close down one of the subway lines, reduce buses and raise transit fares by 25 cents. This is after his earlier proposal to put a tax on car registration and land transfers was shot down by the other commissioners, because the city is facing a half a billion shortfall. It's ironic. Someone said a better way is to introduce a road toll, which would be better, but Miller had a good point too: it would be unfair to do that as long as there is no public transport alternative. Obviously, the new plan is mostly a shock tactic: at a time when we need more public transport, not less (and a new subway line has been approved!), when we need to get people out of their cars and make public transit more affordable, this is rather a stupid idea.

Let's hope it works and they back down on the tax idea. Or something, anything, rather than this.

In other ridiculous but scary news, on CNN last night they were most happy to share that a militant terrorist group in Iraq, previously affiliated with Al-qaeda, has now joined sides with the US. To prove it, they showed footage of them tortoring - oh, sorry, beating the crap out of Al-qaeda prisoners. So, terrorists are bad unless they allied with Bush? Torture is ok if it's inflicted on people Bush says are naughty? Naturally, CNN did not critise this or point out the irony or seem shocked. But you should have seen my jaw drop. What hypocrisy! And I wish that there was a mood icon for "flabbergasted"!!

toronto, environment, news

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