Jul 06, 2011 22:44
I walked for about an hour and a half today and it felt good! It was sooooo hot out so I waiting till the evening and it was well worth it. Unfortunately, I broke down and smoked a cig. Ive cut down A LOT. I went from having 2-4 cigs a day (about a month ago) to having 3 in the past 4 weeks. I just dont want to slip back into it, especially with all my health/wellness problems lately. Im in an ok mood right now. Not up, not down.
I went for my medical consult today. The doctor was really nice and she actually studied at school for a bit. She basically said that she would write me a script for a mild anti-depression medication but she said that she's also pretty confident that counseling could do the trick too. I told her Im anemic and may have a slight thyroid issue and she said that she wants me to get blood work done. I feel like since I just got blood work done I should just be able to use that but the way that she phrased it made it seem like that wasnt an option. Im glad that Im making an effort to get my life back but its getting really difficult with having to bum rides, pay for gas, miss work (lose money)...it just sucks.
Now I think im going to finish up on line and maybe read a book.