Dec 18, 2008 10:45
The subject, in case you were wondering, was my initial reaction to being told about the differing factor between Stephanie Meyer's vampires and the more...common theory about sunlight and undead blood suckers.
I swore to myself that I wouldn't read that shit. I had heard such bad things about it. And because of the movie (no, I haven't seen it. The last time I was in a theater was during my last overnight trip to the city), Twilight ended up back on the shelf of our paltry little book section in the store.
I picked it up out of curiousity, read the blurb, rolled my eyes. Ran into my Friday and Saturday night closing manager, who informed me that he had read it, the fact that he considered it a decent read (apparently, sun sparkly vampires are refreshing?), and that his girlfriend had all the books and liked them.
I bought it.
I put off reading.
Fuck me, I liked it. Okay, so I wasn't in love with it. I kept rolling my eyes at how one-dimensional and weak the characters were. Everyone knows that I like Anne Rice's vampires, because of how rich and colorful they are. They're detailed. I do NOT do sparkly vampires. I couldn't stand the schmoopy teen romance part of it (so she sees the guy a few times and vice versa, and they're IMMEDIATELY in love and soulmates? Excuse me while I laugh and roll my eyes again). was like a train wreck. You just can't look away. Or at least, I couldn't put it down. And since I can't get my hands on the other books, I'm currently downloading the audio books. I mean, I already spoiled myself, so I know I won't like the end. It honestly sounds worse than the J. K. Rowling fan fiction ending of the last Harry Potter book.
But damn it, I have a weakness for vampires! They just shouldn't sparkle!