Jul 27, 2015 15:47
I don't know about you, but my kids are going crazy. CRAAAAAZZZZZYYYY!!! I don't know if it's because they've had too much to do (highly unlikely), not enough to do (probably?), or just because they need some time in structure and away from each other, but they have reached new levels of craziness that even I was not aware that they could reach. And that's saying something, because I have a healthy respect for the levels of craziness they can reach.
It's always hard to ask me about this on a Monday, though, because I've just come off the weekend, and that is never a good time to ask if I'm homicidal or not because chances are I am.
This weekend was particularly difficult because we had so much to do on Saturday. We had to get up early to clean the church, and waking my kids up early (and by early I mean 7:40) is never a good thing. They can't function on no sleep. Then we had swimming lessons right after that (and Mat had to stay to clean the church), and then there was the normal Saturday stuff we have to do, and then Mat and I went out for dinner (with only Cora, thank goodness), and then it was Sunday and Sundays are pretty much the most stressful and least restful day of the week. We had even taken the kids swimming on Friday night which compounded the problem because they were so tired.
I don't know what it is about Sundays, but they bring out the worst in my kids. I think it's a combination of having to shower (which is basically their most dreaded task) and having all the kids clean and presentable and to a place at a specific time all by myself. Mat is sometimes able to come home, but this particular Sunday he had meetings starting at 7:30 (before the kids were even awake) and didn't come home until dinner time. Bram is particularly difficult these days, fueled by his two-ness and also being around his brothers so much. After church he had to crawl with his head on the ground (like he was mowing the disgusting church carpet) all the way out ot the car. In the parking lot he wouldn't hold anyone's hand. I can't just bodily pick him up because I was carrying Cora, and Gabe can't carry Cora because he's carrying the bags. Mat was at a meeting and wasn't there. I was fit to be tied. And this is just an example of how things are going at this point in the summer. Gabe and Eli usually get along and have a great time, but there are also knock-down drag-out fights that they just insist on having that make everything more stressful and crazy.
Anyway, we're down to less than a month. Phew.