Title: Gardening
Author: aunteeneenah
Rating: 15
Word Count: 248
Pairing: Connor/Abby
Spoilers: None
Warnings: Disturbed soil and a very wet, very pretty man.
Disclaimer: None of these characters are mine. I use them for a bit and put them back. No profit.
Summary: Gardening is hard work.
A/N: This is a short little ficlet for
sandylettpotts. Happy Birthday, m’Dear. No beta, mistakes are my own.
Abby was sat on a chaise lounge in the garden of their flat cursing the broken ankle she’d received as a parting gift from a baby embolotherium who had not taken kindly to Abby’s efforts to gently guide her back through the anomaly.
As a result, she was unable to help Connor turn the soil in their flower beds, however, she was able to watch as he worked in the sun and began to sweat. The vest he was wearing began to stick to his body, outlining his lovely trim tummy and slim waist and then, when the sweat pants he was wearing also began to stick to him, serving to outline her favorite toy, Abby also began to sweat and squirm, although, she was sitting comfortably in the shade.
“Connor,” she called with a gleam in her eyes, “could you help me with something over here?”
“Of course, Love,” he replied, noting that familiar gleam, “just as soon as I cool off.”
Having said this, he grabbed hold of a bucket of water and throwing his head back, he poured it over himself. The water flowed down his body causing his clothing to cling even more tightly to his form. He then stood in the sunlight, shook his head, sending a spray of water in all directions, turned darkened eyes on his wife, and stalked over to her.
“Was there something you needed?” He asked softly.
“Oh, indeed.” Abby purred and opened her arms to her husband.