Title: The Witness
Author: aunteeneenah
Rating: PG13
Word Count: 100
Pairing: Um, Ryan/Connor… sort of
Spoilers: None
Warnings: If you are offended by dangley bits, you may want to give it a miss. :D
Disclaimer: None of these characters are mine. I just bend them to suit my needs and then put them back together. I make nothing from this.
Summary: Who was watching in the woods.
A/N: This is a follow up from my Ryan/Connor drabble series. They’re on vacation in Finland. No beta so all mistakes are my own. This might be confusing if you haven't read
http://aunteeneenah.livejournal.com/16073.html She’d been in luck. Something had spooked a hare and it had run straight at her. She’d eat well for several days.
Looking up from her kill, the little Arctic fox could be excused for her startled expression as two hairless figures went running past, their small, hairless tails swinging side to side between their legs, the small one making loud noises at the large one.
Alarmed, she ducked into her burrow with her kill and ate her fill.
Her belly full, she thought no more about it as she tucked her nose into her fluffy tail and fell asleep.