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Sep 14, 2006 01:20

I can't explain my life right now. It's really frustrating.
The past few days have been a lot of fun. Last night Aileen and I met Joe and some other people at Bays for Tom's 23rd birthday. Didn't know the birthday boy but we did get a few rounds of shots bought for us and he did ask me "what cups are those" while staring at my chest (very drunk). Then he made Joe hit him for not being a gentleman. Guys are strange, strange creatures... Afterwards we went to Grammercy and at one point were in a room with only seniors which was a weird realization for all of us I think. Holy shit, we have to graduate. There was one more awkward drunk guy moment when Bryan (who I met that night) put his arm around me and walked me out as we were all leaving. After we got outside he said wait (with his arm still around me) "I have to pee. You need to keep walking." His frat bros got on him for that. "Dude, just walk away. Don't announce it." It was amusing. It was really only the second time Aileen and I went out (Pat's O's not included) and only the second time I've seen Joe since I've been back so it was a lot of fun. And hey, free drinks, gotta love it.
I got to sleep in today since I don't have class till 1:50 but I still got up relatively early. Before I left I did a lot of my homework for tomorrow, practiced piano for 30 mins, did pilates, and washed all the dishes (by hand bitches). I felt productive.
I also feel really out of shape. At mo ranch this weekend we were all out of breath from walking to the dinning hall (granted there was a big hill to climb). Yesterday I went running around the neighborhood and got out of breath pretty ridiculously fast. I've started working out again and it's not going to stop! Project BadAss (Krystal has the best name for everything) in back on.
Tonight was another glorious Project Runway night at Aileen and Jackie's. Kayne got kicked off! Laura won! It was a great episode. Uli's gone next, she's too one note. There were lots of people (so much more fun when there's lots of people commenting along with the show). There were also tacos which is now a tradition. There wasn't any alcohol. Maybe the drinking game has died. Probably not the best idea on a Wednesday night anyway.
I still absolutely love my house and my neighborhood. Everyone should live off campus their senior year if they possibly can. I love living out of the bubble, even though I still spend a ton of time on campus.
I've found a new singer to be obsessed with for awhile (a shock, I know). I might be way behind the curve but Regina Spektor is pretty awesome. They played one of her songs on the Trinity station and I came home and googled the lyrics and started downloading. I'd heard her on the SAC station too. By the way, I love 90.1 the SAC station. Great music and a lot of variety in genres throughout the day. College stations are the best because they aren't owned by ClearChannel (bitches located in San Antonio) or Infinity. I love Wikipedia, I just used it to find out that ClearChannel owns over 1,200 radio stations in the US. That's ridiculous. No wonder so much popular music is so bad.
I think this is going to be a really good semester. I love my classes. I'm so glad I'm taking Texas History and Sociology of Pop Culture. More about that later though. I've spent all three weekends since I've been in SA in different cities and I'm really excited to spend this one at home and catch up with more people - it's so different living off campus, you don't see a lot of people unless you make plans. This semester I'll be going back to Dallas whenever my NEICE is born (will be soon). I'll also be going to Michigan because Rachel would beat me if I didn't visit her (love you!). Maybe College Station (I miss Raechal sooo much, it's been way too long. Remember when we saw each other everyday for hours? Oh, high school). I need to go to NYC since I have three people to visit there (which also means three free places to stay - I like having options, ok?). :) I'll fit everything in somehow.
I'm very bad at just letting things be. I think I'm ok with that too. I wouldn't be me otherwise. Emotional, energetic (ok, spazzy), loud, quiet, attached, slow to anger but then pissed as hell, way too pensive for my own good, happy, loving, up for a good time, spontaneous, stubborn, procrastinating, self doubting sometimes, alternating far too trusting with not trusting at all, bad judgment, good judgment, very trustworthy instinct, strong, caring, and too many more things, good and bad, to name. I'm pretty happy with me.
I miss some of my friends. Basically everyone who's not in SA. Everyone who was a part of my summer. Come back! I miss late nights and parks and cigars and drives and Say Anything and Babes and sno cones and puzzles and swimming and The Flying Saucer and Bellbottoms and Beniganns and tequila and the Spazmatics and Sonic. I totally miss people who get it when I yell porch monkey (you ALL need to see clerks II). Hell, I even miss my jobs (although not necessarily the two at one time thing). It was a good summer. I'm glad I spent it in Dallas.
I'm glad I'm back too.
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