Oooooooogh ... (+ request for Academy Fics)

May 08, 2008 16:31

You ever have one of those days? Where you wake up at an ungodly hour from one of the most vivid, complex dreams EVER and you know you HAVE to write it down RIGHT NOW, but you daren't venture for paper so you scribble it down on a tiny post-it-note pad for half an hour, meticulously making sure you can read your handwriting, and when you're finally done it's half-an-hour before your alarm goes off? But you NEED sleep, so you try to slip back into unconciousness, but every time you get close, another fantastic, vivid idea pops into your head, so you've gotta fish out the flashlight and scribble THAT thought down, which happened to me like THREE TIMES ... and then you wake up later feeling very un-rested and oooogh-worthy indeed. When you try to sleep on the bus your neck gets stiff and painful, and the morning show you like gets switched to some idiots with VERY LOUD VOICES playing light-rock, and you HATE light-rock because it's not really rock, it's sell-outs trying to hit a bigger audience and not swear or experiment at all ...
Once at school, you feel like three different projects crept up on you unexpectadly, and you don't have enough time so you divide your time between all of them and as a result it doesn't look like you did anything much at all. You don't have time to finish your meager lunch. In Spanish you feel like crying for no apparent reason, and then you COPY half the questions from aimisan because there are five minutes left of class and you just can't deal with the idea of taking this mess home. In Math you understand everything until you get asked a question and your mind blanks because it's the hardest one of the lot. (Why 5/12, really? Why not a nice, easy fraction like 1/2 or 3/4 or something? Grrrrr ...) In English people read aloud, and you want to kill one of them. It is your personal belief that people who can't read aloud without going very ... very ... sl ... sl ... (slowly?) slowly and st-st-st-stuttering at words you learned when you were in elementary school SHOULD NOT BE ALLOWED TO READ ALOUD IN PUBLIC. This used to drive me INSANE when I was little, and today the toe-curling and slumping-in-my-seat-in-hopes-that-I'll-be-transported-far-far-away-from-that-voice and hissed corrections when someone asks how to pronounce a word came back.
On the way home I pretended my brains were cold mac-and-cheese. Not the left-over kind, the kind that is still cheesy and squishy and wet but very cold. Heavy metal cannot hurt mac-and-cheese. Loud voices cannot hurt mac-and-cheese. Shrieking laughter cannot hurt mac-and-cheese.
This tactic seemed to keep my headache at bay. Do not laugh at me. Pour ketchup inside my head instead.

Ooof, I've got ballroom dance soon, and I only see my partner once a week, so I'd better perk up for him! (Our usual teacher had a hip-replacement, so last week and this week he and I have been taking classes at the other studio. One of the girls in that class - whose partner is a girl and wasn't there last week - might have been checking me out. I dunno. I can't be sure. She might have been. Last week my hair had been straightened at the beauty shop. I looked very nice. How do you tell if another girl is checking you out?)

Annnnnnyhoodle, I need some cheering-up, and as I'm working on an Academy-Fic, I'd like some linkies to Theta/Koschei Academy fics. It'd be sweet if the Rani (Ushas?) was in some of them. Please please please? Shamelessly pimping your own material is fine by me!
*slump* I might have time for a Pysch episode before I go ...

request, ballroom dance, sleepy, slash, me today, dreams

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