Tarot Reading for 1/24/11

Jan 26, 2011 01:45

I did a daily reading with my Crow's Magickal Tarot deck.  My question was this:  Tell me about my current and near-future money situation.  I asked this because I have managed to screw up my finances this month so badly that I am having to get help from my anam cara/soul mate, Bill.  So here's my reading.

1) Present Situation:  VI The Lovers.  Twin-Souls. Reverence. Unadulterated love.  Trustful relationship.  This is totally referring to Bill and the fact that I am surrounded and filled with his love for me and because of that I know that I can always ask for help and he will.

2) What surrounds you/Outside Influence:  4 of Swords.  Restore. Rejuvenate.  Designing inner peace.  This says to me not to worry; rather, work on my meditation and trance work to restore my inner peace.  Only then can I handle the challenges that face me.

3)  Myself:  Queen of Pentacles (pentacles deal with money and material things):  Bliss, Comfort.  Enjoying the blessings you have.  Taking time for yourself.  Stop thinking about what I don't have and focus on what I do have.  Also, stop trying to carry everybody's burdens--remember that I need help sometimes, too.

4)  Final Outcome/Result:  XVII The Star:  Hope.  Astrological compatibility/chemistry.  (another reference to my anam cara).  A branch of knowledge chosen to be incorporated in your ideas of evolving.  I have chosen to study the metaphysical realm to help my spiritual development.  I am fascinated by Earth Religions and practice some parts of many of them, all for the purpose to improve the quality of my life and that of others.  So I use the knowledge that I have gained (i.e. magick, drumming, making ebbo to my Orisha, reading inspiring works) to draw what I need to me and to remember to never give up hope.  The Law of Attraction works.


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