Ten Relatively Useless Fictional People I'd Want With Me on a Desert Island Anyway

Oct 06, 2011 11:12

There are no doctors here. No rugged, outdoorsy types. No one who can build a sat-phone out of palm fronds and coconut fiber. They are purely here for my own amusement.

 1. Blaine Anderson - Glee
Because life on a desert island will get pretty tedious without a spontaneous production number or two.

2. Sherlock Holmes (the Benedict Cumberbatch incarnation)
He's entertainingly psychotic and he'll keep all the rest of them on their toes.

3. Abby - NCIS
She would justifiably bristle at being called relatively useless. But Abby without her tech is like a baby deer lost in a shopping mall. But maybe she can use her megabrain to synthesize something approaching caffeine from the materials at hand. In fact, I'm sure that would be her first mission.

4. Jim & Pam - The Office
Two cool people who are good at talking nonsense and making their own fun? Hell yes.

5. Eric Northman - True Blood
I shouldn't do this to him. But I will anyway.

6. Ned the Piemaker - Pushing Daisies
We'd have to keep him away from Eric, of course.

7. Toby Ziegler - The West Wing
I shouldn't do this to him, either. I'm mean. But gosh, I'm going to need some smart people to talk to while Abby's making caffeine and Sherlock's off sulking somewhere.

8. Charlie Crews - Life
There's gonna be some tension in this group and who better to dispel it?

9. Stiles - Teen Wolf (the MTV version)
This show is truly my guilty pleasure and Stiles comprises 75% of the reason why I watch it. The boy is hilarious and a total trouble magnet, but he'll say all the things other people won't and we'll eventually thank him for it.

10. Quinn - Reign of Fire
He is not useless, even in a relative sense. I know. But I want him there anyway. We'd have to find something for him to mine, of course. *insert innocent whistling here*

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