my issues, let me show them to you

Sep 13, 2008 00:41

What ARE abandonment issues?

Does any of this sound familiar?
  • You equate love with feeling insecure.
  • You find yourself attracted to "unavailable" people.

  • Insecurity and fear of being hurt, of being left, of needs going unmet, sabotage your relationships.
  • You live in nagging inner conflict and you can't get closure.
  • You suspect rejection when someone doesn't give you positive attention.
  • You feel unjustly dismissed.
  • You turn the rage against yourself, there must be something wrong with you.
  • You blame your inadequacies.
  • You fear intimacy and find someway to prevent it.
  • You look outside yourself for love and approval. Others are all-powerful to your emotional well-being.
  • You leave relationships rather than work things out.
    Start by giving yourself a break. Fear of abandonment may be the most universal and painful fear there is. It is so hard to survive alone. Intense feelings around abandonment are unconsciously linked to survival. It doesn't get much bigger than this.

    The truth is...most of us have a hurt and abandoned inner child. These issues are rooted in the experience and reality of life... "It happens".

    Abandonment issues begin in infancy. Even with the best caregivers, infants experience fear of abandonment. This fear created stress chemicals in your system and were linked with your caregivers.

    A pattern was created where
    Love becomes equated with fear and insecurity.
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