howzit, brah.

Jul 06, 2009 04:15

I love Hawaii. Every place I go to here feels like someplace I've already been (Okinawa, the Philippines, Singapore, Korea) and I feel that if all of those countries got together and had a baby (all four of them, because that is totally possible) then that love child would be Hawaii. I am having a wonderful time doing absolutely nothing just because my brother and his wife like to keep all the screen doors in the house open and there is a constant island breeze--not too warm, just right--floating through the house. And there's so many windows, and so much sunshine, and even on the cloudy days it feels absolutely amazing.

Oahu is big. It's full of cliffs and valleys and the greenest mountains, and in between the rocky shores are bursts of heavy, sparkly city light. The sunsets here are smears of hot pink and lavender and puffy, fat clouds. So far, I've been to the North and South shores (so! many! beaches!) and eaten garlic shrimp from a truck and gone paddle surfing and eaten Matsumoto's shaved ice and bought the shortest shorts on the planet. I have gotten beat up by the fiercest of waves and it's not like the sun is any kinder, but I tan. :)

One week down. Three more to go.

Kapolei. (I think.)

Happy late America day!


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