1. Мне попалось стихотворение Рандалла Джарелла "90 North"; понравилось.
Randall Jarrell - 90 North At home, in my flannel gown, like a bear to its floe,
I clambered to bed; up the globe's impossible sides
I sailed all night-till at last, with my black beard,
My furs and my dogs, I stood at the northern pole.
There in the childish night my companions lay frozen,
The stiff fur knocked at my starveling throat,
And I gave my great sigh: the flakes came huddling,
Were they really my end? In the darkness I turned to my rest.
-Here, the flag snaps in the glare and silence
Of the unbroken ice. I stand here,
The dogs bark, my beard is black, and I stare
At the North Pole . . .
And now what? Why, go back.
Turn as I please, my step is to the south.
The world-my world spins on this final point
Of cold and wretchedness: all lines, all winds
End in this whirlpool I at last discover.
And it is meaningless. In the child's bed
After the night's voyage, in that warm world
Where people work and suffer for the end
That crowns the pain-in that Cloud-Cuckoo-Land
I reached my North and it had meaning.
Here the actual pole of my existence,
Where all that I have done is meaningless,
Where I die or live by accident alone-
Where, living or dying, I am still alone;
Here where North, the night, the berg of death
Crowd me out of the ignorant darkness,
I see at last that all the knowledge
I wrung from the darkness-that the darkness flung me-
Is worthless as ignorance: nothing comes from nothing,
The darkness from the darkness. Pain comes from the darkness
And we call it wisdom. It is pain.
Я бы с удовольствием прочла его эссе "Reflections on Wallace Stevens", но пока не смогла его найти.
2. Наткнулась на книжку "The Love of Nature and the End of the World: The Unspoken Dimensions of Environmental Concern", автор Shierry Weber Nicholsen. Направление, отчасти сходное с Дж. Корради Фьюмарой: критика современного экологического мышления, проблема передачи эмоционального знания и пр. 6-я глава книги почти полностью посвящена исследованиям У. Биона, и мне очень понравился эпиграф к одному из её подразделов ("Binocular Vision"):
We have heard of a society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge. It is said
that knowledge is power, and the like. Methinks there is equal need of a
Society for the Diffusion of Useful Ignorance, what we will call Beautiful
Knowledge, a knowledge useful in a higher sense; for what is most of our
boasted so-called knowledge but a conceit that we know something, which robs
us of the advantage of our actual ignorance?
-Henry David Thoreau, “Walking”
(вспоминается приведенная Бионом
цитата из М. Бланшо о том, что ответ - это болезнь или несчастье вопроса).