Finale thoughts..

May 20, 2012 14:01

Well, it certainly wasn't the best finale, but I am positively gleeful over the way they have set up season 8.

Part of the problem I felt, was that they sort of rushed it, it was slow to get off the mark and then everything seemed to happen at once. That they would kill Dick was a given so instead of trying to amp that up and the pointless 'kill the skinny people' detour, they could've put a bit more effort into the Sam, Dean and Cas interchanges which felt ill thought out and verging on the ridiculous ( particularly the sandwich thing - it was funny but seriously, did we need it?)

Things I did particularly enjoy (in no particular order)


-'turned up in my car naked, and covered in bees'

-Crowley and Dick, they were verging on OTP material for a while

- Meg driving the Impala, in fact the Impala in general..

- The talk Dean and Cas had when getting the Impala - ' I would have you cursed or not' , there were definitely some of the old friendship dynamic creeping back in there.

-Misha's portrayal of crazy!Cas, I would rather have Cas being the BAMF angel we all love but there was a heartbreaking vulnerability in Misha's portrayal. I just wanted to put him in a snuggie and cuddle him.

-Cas sitting on the stairs watching Bobby's 'death'

Things that could've gone better:

- I wish I felt more when Bobby died, idk it didn't seem that traumatic for me, I remember I was absolutely torn when he was in the wheelchair, and I was a wreck when the boys burned that picture of Ellen and Jo, but of late that emotional bond with Bobby was sort of severed for good for me, may be it's to do with my sporadic watching of the show in general but I felt absolutely  nothing throughout that scene, despite Jensen's best efforts.

-As badass as Meg was while killing the leviathans, I would've loved to see her being a bit more defiant towards Crowley, but I guess I can't complain, she survived and that's definitely a win in my book.

-Cas playing twister, I felt that was put in there more for the laughs than anything else, crazy!Cas for me has been a mixed bag throughout. Misha has done a wonderful job, but the the material he was given could've been idk more respectful of the powerful Cas was and is/ Maybe it's my Cas!girl showing but his trauma could've been handled with more sensitivity rather than just playing it for the laughs. Not that I'm surprised, Show doesn't exactly have the greatest track record in dealing with such issues, preferring to mostly brush it under the carpet.

Hopes for season 8:

- Purgatory has SUCH AWESOME possibilities, not least landscape porn, granted the disney-esque red eyes glowering through the bushes hasn't been the best of starts, but I love to see caves and wild forests and rugged mountains. It's probabaly not in the CW budget but a girl can hope!

- Character returns are sure to be a focal point, I would love to see oold issues revisited rather than introduction of a whole new bunch of canon. Alistair for example, YED, Ruby, Lillith, all the MOTWs we've seen throughout the past season turning up and causing havoc for our boys.

-Return of teh Cas/Dean dynamic, there was a shift  in the last scene indicating that the old Cas is coming back, and since the boys are stuck in a such a dangerous landscape with no one but each other to rely on (not even alcohol) seems like an ideal opportunity to work together again.

-I'm really looking forward to how they deal with the alone again Sam issue. A danger is that they could just be re-hashing old, tired storylines again, but I hope they don't go down the whole Robo!Sam route again. Sam's been through a lot and he's really grown and matured, I would love to see him just get down to the business of bringing Dean back, or possibly even joining Dean- I would not be adverse to that scenario.

Concluding comments:

This season has been pretty meh for me for the most part and soem episodes have been downright boring but maybe it'll gel together better on a season marathon? In any case, season 8 should be a much more exciting journey.

At least, we'll always have the wonderful purgatory fic that's sure to surface this summer. Not to mention the creepy art!

Also this:

season 7, finale thoughts, supernatural

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