Acrylic on board.
Is it a texture? Is it art? Who can tell, all I know is it's funky and I like it. XD
It was going to be a painting intially, in fact it was going to be the piece I posted yesterday ( Terracotta ) but then it turned into this and I thought it was kinda cool so I kept it as is, instead of adding a face.
The technique I used is kind of similar to the technique I used for the sky in the desert painting I did a while ago. I painted on the board with raw colours from the tubes with a big bristly brush, mixing them on the board. There had to be the slightest touch of water, too much and it would all run and the texture would disappear and too little the next step would become near impossible. Then I scrubbed off portions of the paint with a piece of scrunched up kitchen towel. This rubbed the drying paint into the board surface, bringing out the texture and creating subtler tone. Using varying amounts of pressure created a greater range of colours. There was some sponging involved as well, that didn't work so well.
Omggg you guys, going to see Harry Potter today!!! I AM EXCITED.