(no subject)

Jan 14, 2010 00:43

Then: January 2000

1. Age: 21
2. Romantic Status: sleeping with just about anyone. i was young and horny.
3. Occupation: selling restaurant equipment
4. Fun night out: hit the goth / industrial / BDSM clubs looking for another one night stand.
5. My BFFs: Timm, Corey, Patrick, DaveDees, Petal
6. I spent way too much time: Pick a dork activity: M:tG, comics, games. loved it all. Still do. the over-indulgence on hallucinogens was ill-advised, but worth it.
7. I spent not enough time: no regrets.
8. I wanted to be when I grew up: Never expected to.
9. Biggest concern: Next Heroic dose of acid, next woman to bed.
10. What my biggest concern should have been: see above. no regrets.
11. Where did I live? in my sister's basement in bowie, md.
12. Dumbest thing I did that year: moving to minneapolis. smartest too.
13. If I could go back now and talk to myself I would say: you're on the right track. change nothing.

Now: January 2010

1. Age: 31
2. Romantic Status: engaged. in every sense of the word.
3. Occupation: still the same as a decade ago. even if i should leave.
4. Fun night out: boys nights. sports. beers. video games. a decade ago, a fun night was looking for transient affection. now that i've got the real thing, i like having a night of testosterone fueled dick waving.
5. My BFF: Timm, slank, cacie.
6. I spend way too much time: playing video games, comics, drinking to excess.
7. I spend not enough time: preparing myself for the future
8. I want to be when I grow up: living the dream already. i might change some minor details, but the big stuff is exactly right.
9. Biggest concern: money. to be more precise, money for the wedding, the honeymoon, stuff needing to be done for the house.
10. What my biggest concern should be: see above. very practical i am.
11. Where do I live: laurel, md. same as it ever was.
12. Dumbest thing I have done this year: again with the no regrets. every "dumb" decision i've made puts me here. and here is where i belong.
13. What I think I would say to myself in 10 years: keep doing what you do.

1. What do I miss most from 1999: the freedom that comes from being young and stupid
2. What do I miss least from 1999: the freedom that comes from being young and stupid
3. What have I accomplished in 10 years that I am most proud of: overcoming my fear of truly making myself vulnerable.
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