Some days are better than others

Oct 15, 2009 09:38

So, it's been 4 years since I started dating the most wonderful, smart, sexy, funny, awesome, giving, every-other-adjective-of-kickass woman in this or any other galaxy.

In a little less than a year, we'll be going down the aisle to proclaim to the world something I've long known - this is my soulmate. This is my family. This is my life. This is everything I never knew I wanted until it happened. This is my bride.

I wouldn't trade the worst day with her for the best day without her. I can't help but gush with overly sentimental saccharine. I can't find the right words so I resort to Hallmark worthy boasts.

What can I say? She's the only one for me. The best of times, the worst of times; she's been there for me when she had every right to walk away. That kind of faith leaves me in awe. That kind of love breeds only more of the same.

I know I'm barely stumbling through this coherently. It's like trying to fill a teacup with a tidal wave. This pathetic medium just isn't enough to express my love. I'm glad I've got the rest of my life to show her how grateful I am to have her.

I love you. Yesterday. Now. Forever. Until the goddamn stars go dark.
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