UFO Crisis

Jan 30, 2006 11:33

Got the below from the costumer's guild group. I'm sure you can all relate!
by Dawn "Davina" Devine

Yes, there is a UFO crisis happening in my life. For various reasons, I have had life derail more than one project, creating a UFO -- Un-Finished Object! Piles of these invaders have taken over my home, my office, my sewing space, and now, in 2006, it is time for me to make that pledge to seek out and destroy all the UFO's in my personal space!

Here is my plan of action to take on these UFO's.

1 - THE BIG SORT -- Okay, it's gotta be done. The BIG SORT is the moment when you open all of the bags, boxes and bins. Look under the bed (scary), in the garage (scarier) and even in the basement or attic (scarriest). Put like with like, group supplies by use, and then collect all the UFO's together for the next step.

2 - The EVALUATION -- After the dust has settled. (ewww) Then take a moment to rank the projects. Yes, some are going to be tossed AS-IS -- Do I think I can finish them all? NO.. There are too many invading UFO's in my house. Do I WANT to finish them all? Heck no, I don't think I can fit into those gaucho pants in a size 14 I started in '87 - and even if I COULD fit them.. would I wear them? Heck No! Evaluate and put into categories.

Categories for me include:
Heck NO - Must GO -- Death to the UFO - (Ie - Throw it away)
Nice Fabric - Baaaad Concept - (Ie - Harvest all usable materials and toss)
WHAT was I THINKING??? (I will never it wear it - even if it were DONE TODAY)
Humm, It has potential!! (Some UFO's simply need to be finished to be assimilated)

3 - The EXTERMINATION -- Okay.. deep breath.. Here's the hard part.. Letting go. After you have sorted, harvested useful bits and determined there isn't a final shred of potential of integrating the UFO into your life as a fully realized object, then it's time to say good-bye and get rid of it! Ask your friends if they have needs. One woman's UFO is another woman's next project! UFO's can be gifted, traded, and sold as is. Don't feel you need to finish off every UFO in order to relocate them to another person's life. That is why eBay was invented!!!

4 - UFO CONTAINMENT -- Put the FEW (hopefully VERY VEW) UFO's I've decided to live with away, in an organized manner that will prevent them from decaying and allow for easy access and retrieval to work on them as needed. If they have made it through the cull, they will need a temporary home. Poor UFO containment can cause them to breed, so be especially careful here. Labels and clear storage solutions can help keep these pesky UFO's from getting out of hand and creating a new infestation.

4 - The PROJECT LIST -- I bet you're reading this and thinking -- No WAY -- she can't get rid of them ALL!!! And you know, I think that too.. So as I repack the FEW I plan on someday completing, I am creating a MASTER PROJECT LIST. This is not a to-do list, or a time line or plan of action. It's simply an invantory of the projects and supplies I have on
hand. So next-time someone near me says "I need a black sequin skirt" I can respond with.. WOW - I think I have one 60% done.. Would you like to see it? (And perhaps BUY it!!!)

5 - The SCHEDULE -- And here's where "I" find it hard. Yes.. I'm going to try in 2006 to tackle and finish ONE UFO a month. Even if it's a small one (Like the purple beaded choker from '99) or a big one (Can anyone say 20 yard Red and Black Gypsy Skirt?) Each "first week" of the month, I am pledging to look at my master list, consider my time
and inclination, and select the UFO to work on until it is done.

UFO's are a scourge, but they have unlimited untapped potential. Some just need to be reconsidered, reappropriate or redone to become something FINISHED and useable. Some, poor misguided UFO's simply need to be moved on to a new home, be it a thrift store, the recycling bin or even a friend's basement.

Is anyone with me? Lets work together in 2006 to END the UFO Crisis!

humor, sewing

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