I CELEBRATE! personal RL stuff

Sep 18, 2009 11:57

oh my goodness!!!

ok, i have achieved two things in the space of one day, that are really important to me. these things might seem trifling to you, but i assure you, they were extremely exciting moments for me.

(this was yesterday. i live in france, so this is a heads-up for the time-difference)

1. i had to take a translation test, and if i passed that, i got an interview for the master's program i would like to be accepted into. (only sucky thing is that the uni is an hour and a half away from where i live. by public transportation. but who needs cars in paris, anyways?!)
- i GOT the interview! they liked my translations! yeah, we had an hour to translate two big paragraphs, one from english to french, one from french to english, and it was really close, there was definitely not enough time.
- long story short, when i got home from the movies at 1 in the morning, and couldn't sleep, i checked my email...

AND I'M FREAKING ACCEPTED. HELL YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XD XD XD XD XD XD!!

yeah, it was a long road to get accepted into their stupid university, but totally worth it. still waiting on the answer from another one, though.

2. this is something i have had a really hard time with, since, like, forever. i think my sense of propriety was winning over my sense of recklessness and idon'tcareness. i... i'm a closet slash fan. .///. i know. how sad, right? none of my RL friends really know, except, like, a friend of my brother's, who didn't know of the greatness online until i introduced her to Starfighter (thank you Questyofdreams!). and she doesn't count because everybody already accepts her as is, and wouldn't be surprised by quirks of personality. i mean, not that it's a quirk, just that it might be perceived that way by all her guys friends? ANYWAY. getting off-topic here. you'll forgive me, i'm new at blogging, right?
SO. i came out of the slash closet to one of my good friends Patrick last night, after the first movie, Humpday. (which was a total bluff, by the way, but still a very interesting movie on human reaction and interaction and soooo very awkward clumsy.) so afterwards we were talking, and somehow the topic of two men together came up... and one thing led to another... and suddenly i was explaining how Sasuke and Naruto should be together (he reads and watches Naruto) if ever Sasuke decided to stop being a DOUCHEBAG... AND! he thought it was a little strange, but then he comes out with (very in the spirit of things, Patrick) yeah, because Naruto with Sakura was just sexual, what he's got with Sasuke, though... at which point i'm going : INORITE! i mean, uh, yeah. plus, the very gay necklaces with each other's pictures and names on them... yeah. so. i then launched into a long diatribe about other fandoms, and other pairings, and he ran right along with me. IT WAS SO LIBERATING TO TALK ABOUT IT OUT LOUD. like a big sigh.

anyways, that was my momentous day. lovely sharing with you. also. i'll get better and sentence continuity and punctuation and stuff, but right now, i'm still trying to manage my giddiness to really figure it out.

(dude, there's no emoticon for 'elated' in the mood thingie. ugh.)


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