Mar 30, 2010 00:38

Today, Monday.

this morning i wasn't in the mood for lingering in the kitchen, so i had a bowl of cereal. quite yummy, vegan-friendly cereal, with soy milk; soy milk though... isn't really Audrey-friendly. hmmmmm. but i still ate it all, cause i'm nothing if not determined. I'M DETERMINED TO GET USED TO SOY MILK. IT WILL HAPPEN.

for lunch i heated up my couscous. still yummy. and i might have had a slice of bread with hummus...

I HAD A SNACK. CAUSE I'M A SNACKER. I LOVE SNACKING. ;____; IT WILL BE MY DOWNFALL. for snacking, instead of having nutella with my roommate and her friend (who came home today YAY! XD) i had a slice of bread with hummus and prunes on top. GOD. SO FREAKING GOOD. but prunes are only really good in france. trust me. i've tried.

FOR DINNER... HOMG. i was so hungry. so, i had a salad (olives, corn, red beans, lettuce, raisins... WITH CUCUMBERS THIS TIME!! WHOOO! and hummus on the side. cause i'm such a glutton)
AND. I MADE A REAL MEAL AS WELL. ok, so tofu cut into chunks, 4 potatoes cut into chunks, cooked in a pan with garlic and onion. when that was all ready, i just added the mixed veggies from the bag in my freezer. it was delicious. my Lucie even said so!
happy food time tonight!

ok. going back to homework. i HATE homework. i hate it. ;___; it sneaks up on you... and then it clobbers you FROM BEHIND. and totally not in the nice way. grrrrrrr.

Sur ce je vous laisse, mes amours!

food log, vegan

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