costume party. real life. projects? MOVIES

Sep 27, 2009 14:11

hems and haws....

i went to one of best friends' birthday party last night, and it was awesome. what needs to be mentioned, with regards to her and her group of friends, is that they like to impose themes on the parties they have. ALL the parties they have. it adds a little silliness. so, house-warmings, birthdays, or simple get-togethers are always FREAKING HILARIOUS. we've had the 'one item/thing goes wrong in your appearance or accoutrement,' the 'dress as something that starts with the letter M,' the 'come as a movie/series/comic character' and last night was 'come as an animated character night.' i came as Jessica Rabbit. dude. i even colored my EYEBROWS red to go with the wig, course, you can't really see it on this picture...

ETA : I HAD GLOVES! i did, and they were black, not purple like they're supposed to be, but dude, finding purple gloves is hard, and the white ones i tried to dye wouldn't take. and wearing gloves when you want to eat is JUST NOT COOL.

my favorite couple were amazing... they came as the Incredibles :

so that was last night.

and lately i've been thinking of writing, which probably means that it won't happen for another six months, and y'all won't get to read it for ANOTHER six months, but that's alright.

so i saw Taking Woodstock and The Hurt Locker on thursday, both movies that i truly liked.

Taking Woodstock... i thank Ang Lee for making the main character gay, not making a huge production out of it, and yet still taking the audience by surprise. the dancing/party scene... so hot. the actors were lovely, i especially liked Emile Hirsch in his role as a 'Nam vet. sweaty, uneasy and cute.

The Hurt Locker was... not what i expected. i'd only actually seen the trailer, and not read the synopsis, or researched what it was about at all. i just knew there would be war, men in uniforms, and big-explodie! a classic menfighting!movie, right? so yeah, that was enough to draw me. unfortunately for my friend Patrick, there was actual content, very slow moments, implied questions on the fleeting and ephemeral nature of life, and Patrick was tired. He might have fallen asleep a couple of times. I, on the other hand, was wide awake, enraptured, and catching all kinds of possibly-slashable moments; i TRULY enjoyed this movie.

the flux of control in this movie is interesting. we know that Sergent Will James is the one in command, but he really only takes control when it suits him, when he needs his adrenaline fix. it's sanborn that truly imposes any sort of reality check, and even then, he's fighting a lost cause.

in any case, i thought, for all of you out there who might have seen this movie, that it would be interesting to slash Sanborn and James, if only because James loves and needs that loss of control in the face of danger or certain death more than anything else... does anyone else see the possibilities? Sanborn, on the other hand, is used to taking logical orders, having his position made obvious to him, and knowing how to appreciate a good leader... all requirements which James is clearly not interested in fulfilling. they compliment each other. in a big 'fuck you' way. at one point, James realizes he's not going to get what he wants, so within the parameters of that situation, he pulls the boss card, and says : Sanborn, you don't say 'no' to me, I say 'no' to you. argh, i can't remember if maybe he says get to say, or can't. this is mildly important for the scene i was thinking up...

which would obviously have elements of a dangerous, on-the-edge tone, but coming from Sanborn, instead, with, uh, some character and relationship build-up beforehand. it could start with a fight, with those exact same words, but said : 'So, you can say no to me, but i can't say no to you? Is that right?' and, uh, smexiness ensues. by way of anger, and daring, and helpless, threatening situations, because that's the only way James can get off, with a little 'i'm getting one over on my boss,' which might be the only way Sanborn can get off.

somebody who's seen the movie tell me it's a bad idea, and i'll STOP THINKING ABOUT IT because it's been rattling around in my brain since thursday.

a LONG time ago. i've probably lost any capacity i might have lured myself into thinking i had, but there it is. i think i'm going to go scan some of it. this will take awhile. and no, i unfortunately did not, nor will i probably ever, draw fanart. way too much effort. i have a hard enough time doing what i do, so yeah. and i wish i could draw fanart, but that would entail drawing men, and in terms of people i can only draw naked women. don't ask me how or why. it just is. yes, it frustrates me too, believe me.

oh. oh, i drew bulma from DBZ a couple of times, but i was staring at a picture (so it kinda looks like i stenciled or traced it, but i swear, i DID NOT.) but then again, anyone can stare at a picture and draw the same thing. either way, i suppose that counts as fanart... argh, or maybe it doesn't because it's pretty much a copy of the original art? i don't know how this stuff is decided.

anyhow. i'm off to go scan

and that, as they say, is all folks.

art, movies, taking woodstock, costume, the hurt locker

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