Title: The Movement of the Earth
Author: audreyii_fic
Fandom: Twilight (Team Jacob)
Rating: T
Characters: Bella, Jacob, Charlie, and others (J/B)
Genre: Romance/Angst/Wolfpack!Humor
Warnings: Language, violence, and references to adult behavior
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Comments 79
Yeah, I wear the cone of shame for this. If it makes you feel any better, I put up an addendum at the end of the post. I'm kinda going to crawl away now.
Lastly, enjoy your newfound freedom, lady =) You deserve it. Time to kick back and relax and read a really great book that someone else had to toil over and be the one to enjoy instead of suffer, I say!
I've been hanging onto The Hunger Games for this very event :)
I just read those books! I bought the first to read and find out what all the hooplah was about (and was doubtful, because the whole post-apocalyptic thing is not my usual genre of choice), but I ended up reading all three books in 2 days!!
I kinda look forward to hearing your thoughts (if you post them?)
I probably won't post them, but you never know, they might turn up in various comment threads.
Yay for endorphins :D
but the extent? In spite of all the awfulness I'd seen, I still didn't realize how much my eyes had simply skipped over until I made myself sit down and go line... by... line.
This. I didn't realize how bad it was until I went back and tried to read them again (and I never did make it through Breaking Dawn. *shudders*).
: this is the smartest fandom I have ever participated in. Hands down. I loved chatting about the themes that came up.
I tend to agree. I've had a lot of fantastic discussions in my native fandom (Harry Potter), but this particular corner of Twilight fandom is very rich and smart. I think it has a lot to do with - yes, how badly the books themselves were executed and didn't resolve any of the real conflicts and themes she tried to explore, but also because that Jacob and Bella aren't canon. We have dig deep into what is there, ( ... )
Me neither. I've read snippets of relevant parts and it turned my stomach every time.
We have dig deep into what is there, what could have and should have been there, and really look at the characters the way they are.
I think that's probably it, yeah. It's necessary to have a pretty high level of skill at literature interpretation to see anything worth salvaging in this mess of a series. (Or maybe a really low level of skill. Hmm.) When you have to spend all your time thinking about reconstructing a piece of writing without making it suck, well... you've got something going on in that lump above your shoulders, is all I'm sayin'.
In any case, I enjoyed your story. I look forward to more (short, or otherwise ;), and I love how in depth you went on this author's note.I'm really glad you liked it :) It wound up, in its own weird way, kind of working... which is something that still stuns me. There will be more drabbles, but I don't know if I've got anything left in me ( ... )
... yes, this. Basically. I never write fanfiction for stories that were done just right, that left me satisfied in the end. This? Though I've never actually written in this fandom, I could pick it apart and theorize how it could be put back together (or in this case, read yours) forever. There's so many ways she could have not ruined her own writing. I think the only thing that Meyer kind of did right was make us care - and how she managed that, I'm not sure. I think, maybe, because I didn't read the massacre that was Breaking Dawn, but still. Though a lot of her characters outright suck, and Bella is a travesty of fictional heroines, Meyers made us care about her getting her head out of her arse, about Jacob's cute crush and nicknames for her, about the pack, and the Cullens... and I don't even want to touch on Edward. She ruined so many young minds with him ( ... )
I just. don't. get. it. And I'm not sure that I ever will, even after spending ten weeks on this story.
I'm happy you'll read my stuff :) We'll see what happens. Right now I can't imagine ever writing anything again, but I say that after every story, so I can't claim that that necessarily means anything.
You get a twenty pound bag of virtual Ghirardelli chocolate for undertaking this. And yes, Meyer sucks as well as her literary voice. But I still really liked this story quite a bit... XD
It's probably because halfway into New Moon I recognised the train wreck it was becoming, and wished Meyer had written it better. You didn't improve on all of the mistakes that Meyer made, but you took one of the major obstacles away that was keeping me from being happy with anything past Twilight.
And more Jacob is always a good thing. =D
I will take that chocolate happily, thanks :) And I'm glad you liked the story. I'm weirdly satisfied even though I can't reread it because, well... the Meyer-voice just haunts. My FIX IT FIX IT FIX IT radar goes off and nearly deafens me. I want my own voice back now.
More Jacob is definitely a good thing ;)
And I totally know what you mean when you talk about your FIX IT FIX IT FIX IT radar. That was the one thing that bugged me about the whole series. I enjoyed it, and almost liked Bella (until Meyer totally screwed her up), but the writing often drove me nuts.
My mum even asked me when I was first reading them and complaining about them to her, "If it's so bad, why are you still reading it?" My reply? "I don't even know!"
If I were to take on someone else's literary voice it'd most definitely not be Meyers'... Perhaps MacDonald or Tolkien? Someone with some talent obviously ( ... )
I get that question a lot, and I still haven't come up with an answer that I find entirely satisfying.
I don't know if you've read my fic, but it's basically the product of me having a mental breakdown over how bad Meyer is and how much I can fix it. And I know what it is to go through those stages. And let me tell you, you did better than me.
I've thrown things I knew were patently stupid into the mix because they were fun to write (which was such a change), I've spent days rambling to bowls of fruit over trying to keep elements which suck (I kept imprinting on children in, which makes me truly, truly mental). I've waited six months in between updates because keeping up the pace I started was spiritually killing me. But yet, I persevere, because dammit, I know which of Meyer's characters are fun and how to use them, even better than she does, and while that is sad, it's like I'm sticking it to her every time I use Embry to his full potential. I'm laughing in her face every time someone tells me they wish my story was how Twilight turned out. So while it may be a masochistic endeavour, it's a fucking fun ( ... )
It has been on my list. Now that I'm taking a break (I've got a little palate-cleanser one-shot percolating in the back of my head, but that's it, and I'm taking my time with it) I'll probably get a chance :)
But yet, I persevere, because dammit, I know which of Meyer's characters are fun and how to use them, even better than she does, and while that is sad, it's like I'm sticking it to her every time I use Embry to his full potential. I'm laughing in her face every time someone tells me they wish my story was how Twilight turned out. So while it may be a masochistic endeavour, it's a fucking fun masochistic endeavour.Exactly. I honestly don't know how I can devote so much time to this level of hatred for what is, after all, just a book series. But since I read the first book two years ago it's just eaten at me. It's probably not healthy, but saying "fuck you" to Stephenie Meyer in ( ... )
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