Nov 27, 2004 17:03
important disocveries
1 i cant spell
2 myspace owns my life
3 mike patton is god!
4 rocking out was invented for me to partake in
5 making plans to hang out with someone never work out (especially if you're REALLY looking forward to doing it)
6 the point in my life (the one where, if i make one wrong decision it changes, or right decision will change my ENTIRE FUTURE) has come
7 i really miss all my old homeboys from my old band Weslester. we werepretty damn good for it being our first time. i think we've decided to resurrect it all again and continue the rock! damn, i have hella side projects. haha ! we were all kickin it at taylors house and they heard my song that has to do with rose pedals and taylor seriosly started crying! (he might've been a wee bit high but still) he said it was the most powerful, wonderful thing he'd ever heard. he said becasue i was sober and he was high, he could hear stuff that i couldnt. i wonder about that. i created it, so i think i know whats in the song...who knows.
8 the reason that people were put on this earth is for LOVE
9 the reason people die is for LOVE
10 the greatest thing that you will ever learn is just to love and to be loved in return
11 dead poets society is the greatest movie ever invented.
12 the 311 day dvd is the greatest dvd/live performance ive EVER SEEN!!!
more later
i love you guys
damn i wish i could see all your bright shiny faces right now as im completly alone in my dark computer room...
damn im gay